Specifications for Trenchless Excavation
Many advancements and innovations have developed recently in the utilization of trenchless excavation, techniques throughout the world. In many instances, design details and specifications...

Retrospective Look Into Design Challenges of Boston Interceptors
The purpose of this paper is to share with designers and owners a retrospective evaluation of a major sewer system design effort. The process by which a major sewer design project reaches...

Current Developments in Reinsulating/Waterproofing Underground Steam Mains in New York City
The objective of Con Edison's reinsulation project is to develop the materials and technology necessary to reinsulate those steam distribution mains having excessive thermal...

Pipeline Curvature by Polynomial Approximation
Since start-up of the trans-Alaska pipeline in June of 1977, a variety of techniques have been investigated to monitor pipe settlement and evaluate associated pipe integrity. During the...

Corrosion Monitoring of Critical Service Pipelines
Corrosion, including microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), is receiving much attention as a significant piping material performance concern particularly for critical service pipelines...

Use of In-Place Lateral Reconstruction for Correction of Infiltration/Inflow
Extensive sewer collection system rehabilitation programs have done much and will continue to correct infiltration/inflow problems. However, re-evaluation of some of the earlier projects...

Getting to the Root of Sewer Problems
The ability to quantify and qualify work schedule in a clear, logical and precise manner can make the difference between an effective preventive maintenance program and one of 'trying'...

Water System Infrastructure Rehabilitation Needs in the State of New York
Water systems in many cities particularly in the Northeastern section of the United States are very old. With lack of proper and timely maintenance of the distribution network systems,...

Water Main Condition Monitoring A Case Study
Water main breaks, routine occurrences for water utilities, reflect the structural failure of the main. The trend in break patterns is increasing for many utilities in the U. S. Several...

Use of Data Base Management Systems for Sewer Line Rehabilitation
The use of data base management systems for managing the repair, rehabilitation, and replacement of sewer lines is a high priority for most cities and municipalities. Developing a data...

Design of Ductile Iron Pipe Systems
To ensure a reliable, low maintenance infrastructure capable of withstanding the test of time, proper initial design is essential. The basis of the design standard for ductile iron pipe...

Monitoring of a Gas Main During Construction
This paper focuses on the task of formulating and implementing a viable plan for protecting an existing gas main located in a construction site where construction activities include excavation,...

Monitoring the Effects of the Pipe Insertion Machine Technique
The results of an experimental study of the pipe insertion machine are presented in this paper. Strains induced in an adjacent pipeline, soil displacement, pipe deflection and vibrations...

Buried Pipeline Research Needs
A workshop was convened with representatives from universities, consulting engineering and research organizations, pipe and/or equipment manufacturers, constructors, users, and government...

Space Age Pueblo
If and when 8 million passengers decide to fly in and out of Albuquerque, N.M. in one year, the renovated and expanded airport will be ready for them. In a comprehensive $120 million project,...

CADD Adds Safety to the Ryan
Computer aided design and drafting (CADD) was used to plan safety improvements for the Dan Ryan Viaduct, a two mile expressway in Chicago. Some 17 accidents per day took place along the...

Roads for Sale
Due to the decline in available federal revenue for transportation facilities, privatization is becoming a common alternative to project financing. A case study of a public/private partnership...

Costing Contingencies
Estimating the cost of constructing a tunnel is an art rather than a science. The unknowns are too great to predict costs relianblbly. On the other hand, owners need cost estimates in...

Quality: Out of the Manual and Into the Field
The intent of ASCE's Manual of Professional Practice for Quality in the Constructed Product, Preliminary Edition for Trial Use and Comment...

Opening the Manual for Questions
User response is key to the development of ASCE's Manual of Professional Practice for Quality in the Constructed Project. Early...





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