Tributary No. 9 Restoration, Maryland State Highway Administration
The Maryland State Highway Administration agreed to accomplish restoration of 1,100 feet of stream channel as part of a mitigation agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore...

Simulation of Dissolved Oxygen in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
A one-dimensional model has been developed to simulate water quality in a complex multi-channel estuarine system. The model utilizes a Lagrangian reference frame for transport computations....

Simulating DBP Precursor Transport in Sacramento Delta
Fate and movement of disinfection by-product organic precursors in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta was simulated for a 365-thy period with a hydrodynamics and transport...

Interruptible Option Contracts
Interruptible option contracts have been proposed and studied in numerous parts of the Western United States as an alternative supply option for water systems in an economically higher...

The Watershed Approach: A Framework for Action
This paper describes and promotes a workable framework for watershed management as an effective means to address the nation's remaining water resource problems, with the ulthnte...

Ecosystem Management in the State of Florida
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), acting at the direction of the 1993 legislature and the Governor, has developed a concept for implementing ecosystem management...

Increasing Computational Accuracy of Radial Gate Flows
Radial (Tainter) gates are the most widely used flow control structure on large, open channel conveyance systems. In contrast, the hydraulic forces are complicated and this type of gate...

Developing a Rating Table for the Central Diversion Dam Radial Gates
The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District uses radial gates for flow control throughout its system. The rating tables for five radial gates on a diversion dam are in error,...

Comparison of Worst-Case and Probabilistic Approaches to Ocean Outfall Mixing Zone Analysis
Two approaches have been used for ocean outfall mixing zone analysis: worst-case approach and probabilistic approach. This paper discusses some advantages and disadvantages of the worst-case...

Problems with Metrication in Transboundary Water Projects
This presentation discusses the lessons learned and difficulties encountered by the author in the conversion to SI (System International or modernized metric system) and provides a brief...

Fostering Reclamation through Cooperation
The WaterReuse Association of California is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to removing the barriers to water recycling in a State where water supply is a critical issue....

Mitigation Measures for Eroding Muddy Shores
A criterion for the stability of muddy coasts is proposed, accounting for bottom resistance, hydrodynarnic forcing and sediment supply. Although qualitative, this criterion provides a...

Two- and Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling of the Salton Sea, California
The Salton Sea, the largest surface water body in California, faces a myriad of problems related to rapidly changing water levels, rising salinity, accelerated eutrophication, fish kills,...

The HEC NexGen Software Development Project
The NexGen project is developing successor software packages to the existing family of HEC computer programs. Development is occurring via teams comprised of technical specialists, computer...

Hydraulic Model Study of the Prado Dam Spillway
The existing Prado Dam, located in the City of Corona, CA, is deficient in providing adequate flood protection to the Santa Ana River floodplain downstream of the dam. To provide adequate...

Dam Foundation Erosion Study: Pit 4 Scale Model Simulation
This paper describes the results of a sub task of the Dam Foundation Erosion Study, a cooperative research study by Reclamation, PG&E, Colorado State University, and Western Area...

Observations of Tidal Circulation in Mamala Bay, Hawaii
A comprehensive measurement program, designed to study circulation processes and support hydrodynamic modeling, has been carried out in Mamala Bay on the south coast of the Island of Oahu,...

Comparison of Near-Field Dilutions Derived from In Situ Measurements and Simulated Dilutions at the Sand Island Sewage Outfall Plume, HI
Near-field dilutions of the Sand Island Treatment Plant (SITP) wastewater plume were derived from salinity measurements made at the sewage outfall between Sept. 25?Oct. 1, 1994, a period...

Near Field Modeling
Results of near field modeling of the wastefield formed by the Sand Island, Honolulu, ocean sewage outfall are presented. Over 20,000 simulations were run with the mathematical model RSB...

Groundwater Recharge with Reclaimed Water Another Step Closer to Potable Reuse
California.s water supply is becoming increasingly unreliable, and investments to make water more reliable must be seriously investigated. In this arid region of Southern California, reclaimed...





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