Predicting Fate and Effects of Hydrocarbons in the Oceans
Three major sources of hydrocarbons exist in the oceans. One is from oil spills related to the production and transportation of hydrocarbons. The second, while generally not spectacular,...

Restricting Rockfalls
Predicting and controlling rockfalls has always been a high priority in Colorado, where many mountainous roads pass through hazardous rockfall areas with extensive and highly variable...

Settling Down Easy
In order to more fully participate in the international and Asian Pacific aviation network, it was decided to establish a highly efficient 24-hour a day operation at the New Kansai International...

New Hydrologic Instrumentation in the U.S. Geological Survey
New water-level sensing and recording instrumentation is being used by the U.S. Geological Survey for monitoring water levels, stream velocities, and water-quality characteristics. Several...

Tomorrow's Toll Road
Techniques using automatic vehicle identification (AVI) currently provide the most efficient form of electronic toll collection. Several systems have been installed in the U.S. in the...

Houston Moves Forward Again
The National Transportation Plan, as released by Transportation Secretary Samuel Skinner, advocates the construction of toll roads and calls on local governments to devise and finance...

Vine Street Reborn
Following decades of controversy and a four-year construction effort that threatened to drive both engineers and local motorists crazy, Philadelphia's Vine Street reopened...

Development of Preliminary Nevada Transportation Accident Characteristics
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Office (YMSCPO) has been given the responsibility for characterization of the potential repository site...

Unintentional Stoppages of Trucks Hauling High-Level Nuclear Waste in Nevada
Any unintentional stoppage of trucks hauling high-level nuclear waste in Nevada could intensify public concerns about the negative impacts of the Yucca Mountain project. This paper provides...

Geologic Sample Handling and Logging at Apache Leap, Arizona
Early in 1990, the Yucca Mountain Project Office (Project Office; presently the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Office) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) completed two...

GA-4/GA-9 Honeycomb Impact Limiter Tests and Analytical Model
General Atomics (GA) has a test program underway to obtain data on the behavior of a honeycomb impact limiter. The program includes testing of small samples to obtain basic information,...

An Integrated Systems Approach to Institutional/Technical Program Milestone Planning and Implementation in the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
A broad spectrum of public and private sector institutions in the United States has concerns about the high-level radioactive waste management program. An integrated systems approach is...

Archaeological Program for the Yucca Mountain Site
Archaeological surveys, limited surface collections and selected test excavations in the Yucca Mountain Project Area have revealed four distinct aboriginal hunting and gathering adaptive...

An Approach to Assessing the Impacts of Incident-Free Air and Highway Transportation of Radioactive Materials
Annual radiation doses and risks were calculated for shipments of radioactive materials both in passenger aircraft and on highways, under accident-free and incident-free conditions, i.e.,...

A Survey of Discrete Variable Optimization for Structural Design
Available methods for discrete variable structural optimization are reviewed. Methods are classified according to three categories: branch and bound, approximations using branch and bound,...

Boston's Sewage Outfall
The centerpiece of the Boston Harbor cleanup plan will be the sewage plant on Deer Island, which will treat water from 43 municipalities in the Boston metro area�500 mgd to start. In order...

Geographic Engineering Management System
The Memphis District Engineering Division is developing a GIS type data base as part of a Geographic Engineering Management System (GEMS) to assist both the District and the Lower Mississippi...

Establishing a Geographic Information System
The ultimate test of an advancement in civil engineering is the successful integration of aspects of the advance into the general engineering community. Success stories in this area include...

49th Street Bridge: A Study in Environmental Planning
The State of Florida, with its substantial environmental legislation, rigorous permitting requirements, and growing public awareness, poses a major challenge for the water resources engineer....

Distant Eyes
A remotely operated vehicle is a miniature unmanned submersible that contains lights, a video camera, other instrumentation, and motor thrusters to move it through the water. The operator,...





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