Parametric Study of Cable-Stayed Bridges Response Due to Traffic-Induced Vibration
The dynamic response of long-span cable-stayed bridges due to moving traffic loads is investigated utilizing three-dimensional models. Modal analysis is conducted using the deformed dead-load...

Steel Alternates for the Hoover Dam Bridge
As input to the Environmental Impact Statement studies of appropriate long span bridges were performed for three alternate corridors across the Colorado River near Hoover Dam. Details...

Bonded Polyester Concrete Overlays Used in California
Bonded polyester concrete overlays have been very successful in California in restoring and preserving bridge decks from damage by road salts. The polyester concrete system has been employed...

After-Fracture Response of a Two-Girder Steel Bridge
The I-40 bridges over the Rio Grande are due to be razed in mid 1993 due to geometry and traffic safety considerations. The bridges are classified as 'fracture critical' two girder steel...

Full-Scale Bridge Test to Monitor Vibrational Signatures
A full-scale highway bridge, in the process of being demolished and replaced was monitored using vibrational techniques in its in-service condition. The bottom flange and web of one fascia...

The Innovative Concept of Semi-rigid Composite Beam
This paper discusses invention and development of a new type of composite beam called 'Semi-rigid Composite Beam.' This new type of beam is expected to behave better than presently used...

Signal Analysis for Quantitative AE Testing
Quantitative acoustic emission (AE) techniques can be used to monitor crack growth and to deduce microfracture mechanisms in quasi-brittle materials. Multichannel data acquisition systems...

Monitoring Performance of Full Scale Structures
General Physics Services Corporation (GPSC) of Columbia, Maryland has developed a device for the remote long-term monitoring of full scale structures, such as highway bridges. This patented...

Twin Lakes Enlargement and Rehabilitation
The Twin Lakes Enlargement and Rehabilitation Project involves an enlarged embankment replacing a two-tiered reservoir system with a single, larger-volume reservoir and new appurtenances....

IVHS: The Invisible Revolution
Federal funding for intelligent vehicle highway systems has increased a hundredfold since 1989, from $2 million to almost $200 million. Transportation planners are looking increasingly...

Driving Under a Construction Site
Throughout the summer of 1992, vehicles passed unimpeded through one of the most heavily traveled intersections in Los Angeles County as construction proceeded on a concrete light-rail...

Development of the Planning and Control Segment, CRWMS Transportation System
This paper discusses the current plans for the development of the Planning and Control segment of the SRWMS Transportation System. Each of the four Planning and Control subsystems are...

Numerical Methods for Fluid Flow in Unsaturated Heterogeneous Tuff
A numerical approach for modeling unsaturated flow is developed for heterogeneous simulations of fractured tuff generated using a geostatistical method. Cross correlations of hydrologic...

The Most Likely Groundwater Flux Through the Unsaturated Tuff Matrix at USW H-1
Using a probabilistic inverse method, an estimate is made of the groundwater flux through the unsaturated tuff matrix at drill hole USW H-1 in Yucca Mountain. The most likely flux is found...

Radionuclide Migration to the Aquifer Through the Porous Medium
Time dependent doses of radionuclides from a waste container to the aquifer through porous medium are analyzed for (1) congruently released transuranic elements such as Np-237 and (2)...

Groundwater Impacts of Foreseeable Human Activities on a HLW Repository
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has begun a program of Systematic Regulatory Analysis (SRA) to help ensure that all important technical issues related to the disposal of...

Investigation of Fracture-Matrix Interaction: Preliminary Experiments in a Simple System
Paramount to the modeling of unsaturated flow and transport through fractured porous media is a clear understanding of the processes controlling fracture-matrix interaction. As a first...

Testing Models of Flow and Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media
The design of an intermediate-scale flow and transport experiment in an unsaturated porous media is described. This experiment will be conducted a 3-m-diameter by 6-m-long caisson filled...

Modelling Gas Migration Experiments in Repository
In response to concerns over the possibility of hydrogen gas generation within an underground repository for high-level radioactive waste, and its implications for repository safety, a...

Carbon Isotopic Data from Test Hole USW UZ-1, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Rock-CO2-gas analyses in test hole USW UZ-1 at Yucca Mountain indicate that gas movement in the unsaturated zone is likely through a dry-fracture...





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