The Mudslide Profile Method to Measure the Undrained Shear Strength of Muds
Mudslides have been reported to have a very distinctive profile. Using this distinctive profile, a method is presented to analyze the stability of the mudslide at limit equilibrium conditions....

Vane Shear Testing for Staged Construction
Staged construction was used for the earthfill embankment of Birch Dam in order to compensate for low strength clays in the foundation. Sampling and testing of foundation soils verified...

Interpretation of CPT Data for Design of Earth Dams Near Tehachapi, California
The Static Cone Penetration Test (CPT) was used to obtain needed geotechnical information for design and construction of two small earth dams near Tehachapi, California. The basic CPT...

Fast, Economical, Cone Testing of River Sediments
The objective of the study reported was to obtain quantitative geotechnical information over many square miles of Hudson River bottom. A hand held cone penetrometer was selected for use....

Relative Landslide Susceptibility in Davis County, Utah?A Multivariate Approach
The complex distribution of soil properties makes prediction of slope stability extremely difficult in these mountain watersheds. The need to assess these watersheds for their susceptibility...

Erosion and Sedimentation Processes in Irrigation
Soil erosion occurs when fluid in motion detaches and transports soil particles. Sedimentation occurs when the fluid transport capacity decreases. Both the hydraulic forces of moving water...

Available Compaction Equipment
When discussing available compaction equipment we must keep in mind the purpose of compaction. Compaction is the art of artificially increasing the density or increasing the unit weight...

Structural Applications of SIFCON
SIFCON (Slurry Infiltrated Fiber CONcrete) is a relatively new composite material utilizing steel fibers in a cement-based matrix. It differs from conventional steel-fiber-reinforced concrete...

Effects of High Pressure and Temperature on HCP
A modification of fabrication techniques for cement paste can significantly affect its properties. Specifically, the static compressive strength can be increased over that of specimens...

The Assessment of Freeze-Thaw Damage in Cement Stabilised Soils
Whilst the ASTM Freeze-thaw test was not originally conceived as a means for classifying the frost resistance of cement stabilised soils it has become accepted for this purpose, with the...

The Concrete Diagonal
Onterie Center in Chicago, Fazlur Kahn's last major structural design, is a companion in concrete to the diagonally braced steel John Hancock Center. It is a mixed-use building...

Geotechnical Features of Fur Seal Island Design
In summer 1983, Texaco made plans to construct an artificial island in Harrison Bay of the Beaufort Sea to serve as a platform for exploratory drilling. Fur Seal Island is to be located...

Soil Cement Shore Protection in Arctic Environment
Suitability of compacted and plastic soil cement prepared with sea water, for shore protection of islands in Arctic marine environment, is investigated. The laboratory test results indicate...

Soil Strength Determinations from the Cone Penetrometer Test
Geotechnical exploration in offshore Arctic regions often relies upon the electric Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) because of its speed, economy, data continuity, and general reliability....

Ice Floe Impact Force on Vertical Sided Structures
A solution is described that does not assume a contact pressure-area curve or ice crushing strength. The impact force is related to Korzhavin's ice crushing equation by simple...

The Calculation of Ice Forces on Arctic Structures
Results of tests conducted to determine the relationship between uniaxial compressive strength of ice and crushing force are presented. A plot of normalized uniaxial compressive strength...

Triaxial Compression Testing of Ice
An understanding of the confined compressive strength of ice is needed to develop constitutive equations and failure criteria for analytical ice-structure interaction models. Procedures...

Strength and Deformation Behavior of Frozen Saline Sand and Gravel
Construction of offshore oil and gas exploration and production structures often considers the use of either sand or gravel fill materials. Fill soils exposed to the environment will progressively...

Shear Strength in the Zone of Freezing in Saline Soils
The design of artificial islands and other geotechnical structures to support arctic offshore petroleum resource development requires considerable knowledge of the strength of frozen saline...

Time Dependent Material Properties Due to Solute Redistribution in Frozen Marine Soils
The design of earth structures and foundations in arctic marine environments requires the assessment of soil properties. A study is presented which investigates the change in mechanical...





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