Site Investigations: A Guide (available in Geoenvironmental Special Issue only)
A geotechnical engineer looks at the evolution of reports on subsurface conditions, the most uncertain portion of construction. Most of the cost and risk of construction occurs beneath...

Automatic Savings
Long-term operations and maintenance (O&M) costs of environmental remediation systems often dwarf engineering and remedial construction costs, but they don's have...

Defusing the Millennium Bomb
On January 1, 2000, some date-sensitive computer systems may interpret the year as 1900, wiping out or altering data or crashing altogether. Richard L. Bland was put in charge of assessing...

Freeway to the Future
A new network model is emerging introducing a new step between servers and desktops: middleware servers with querying software. The new network architecture, combined with the use of both...

Riding the Technology Wave
Computer hardware and software is getting faster, more powerful and more affordable. At the same time, the way in which engineers use the equipment is varying. Identifying costs and benefits...

Solid Footing (available in Geoenvironmental Special Issue only)
The new $500 million Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in San Bernardino, Calif., sits near two fault lines. The importance of the facility and the sensitivity of the area made seismic...

Water Resources and Environment
This proceedings, Coordination: Water Resources and Environment, consists of papers presented at ASCE's 25th Annual Conference...

Transportation, Land Use, and Air Quality
Making the Connection
This proceedings contains papers presented at a specialty conference entitled Transportation, Land Use, and Air Quality: Making the Connection,...

Shoring Up Lake Shore Drive
A $101 million roadway relocation project in Chicago, winner of a 1998 Outstanding Civil Engineering Award (OCEA) of Merit, reunited the north- and southbound lanes of Lake Shore Drive...

The San Francisco Connection
An underground switchyard and storage facility for San Francisco's Municipal Railway challenged the limits of both cut-and-cover and tunneling in loose soil. The project was...

Burrowing Beneath Bangkok
The $2.9 billion Bangkok subway project faces several daunting obstacles�soft soils, a high water table and Thailand's current economic upheaval. The Blue Line subway system...

Getting the GISt of Costs
Over the past five years, geographic information systems (GIS) have become powerful graphical database tools, useful to everyone from city planners to departments of transportation, from...

Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis
This proceedings, Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, consists of 117 papers presented at the Third International Symposium on Ocean Wave...

Traffic and Transportation Studies
This proceedings, Traffic and Transportation Studies, consists of papers presented at the First International Conference on Transportation...

Water Resources and the Urban Environment-98
This proceedings, Water Resources and the Urban Environment-98, contains papers presented at the 1998 National Conference on Environmental...

Climate Control
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has created its own customized weather information system to improve efficiency in its winter road maintenance operations. Intended...

New Spin on Bid Sets
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' electronic bid set (EBS) system involves putting drawings and documents on CDs to save time, money, and effort. For example, the Corps typically...

The Search for HPC (Available in Structural Engineering Special Issue only)
High-performance concrete (HPC) is often overlooked by engineers because its properties are not well documented. Concrete Clinic International conducted a study to learn more about the...

Cellar Performance (Available in Structural Engineering Special Issue only)
Even though the Pentagon contains three times the square footage of the Empire State Building, free space has become hard to come by. Expanding computer, mechanical and electrical systems...

Geotechnics of Industrial By-Products
Large volumes of industrial by-products are generated each year by U.S. industries, and most are landfilled as solid waste at considerable expense. However, many by-products have desirable...





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