Simultaneous Flow Visualization and Hot-Film Measurements
High-speed video recording of flow visualizations in the near wall region of a turbulent open channel flow was synchronized with hot-film measurements of flow velocity and bed shear stress...

Observations on the Growth of an Internal Boundary Layer with a Lidar Technique
The distribution of atmospheric water vapor across a step change in surface humidity (dry-wet) was observed by a Lidar measurement technique under neutral atmospheric stability condition....

On the Erodibility of Rock and Other Earth Materials
An outline of a new method to determine the erodibility of rock and other earth and engineered earth material is presented. The method quantifies the relative capacity of the boundary...

Is Bedform Development Chaotic?
A qualitative analysis of a model for the partially specified bedform development system is presented. The study rests on the use of technique of loop analysis and the connection of the...

Density-dependent Circulation in Desert-basin Aquifers with Isotropic Self-Similar Permeability Distributions
Closed-basin aquifers, typical of mountain chains in the western United States, present a central ephemeral lake (called `playa') where evaporation increases the local brine density creating...

A model to describe the fate of agricultural pollutants
The distributed parameter hydrological model CEQUEAU is coupled to nitrogen and pesticide sub-models to study agricultural non-point pollution at the watershed level. This developing tool...

Monitoring Petroleum Contamination in an Aquifer
An experimental study of the behavior of petroleum in an aquifer with static and changing water depths were studied. The experimental apparatus consisted of plexiglass tanks filled with...

Groundwater Remediation at a Superfund Site
Soil and groundwater contamination at the Montana Post & Pole site in Butte, Montana, one of the nation's oldest Superfund sites, has developed into one of the most significant...

Fate/Transport Modeling and Remediation of Contaminated Plume at Vance Airforce Base
Air Training Command (ATC) at Vance Air Force Base (VAFB) is responsible for implementing the Installation Restoration Program (IRP) according to the Comprehensive Environmental Response,...

Movement of Colloids Under Hydraulic Gradients
A model was developed for analyzing the movement of colloidal clay particles in laboratory soil columns. The physical mechanisms of detachment of particles from the soil matrix, their...

Comparison of Headcut Advance Testing and Soil Test Results
This paper presents the results of a study conducted in a flume to determine headcut advance rates of two base soils compacted at various compaction moistures and placement energies. The...

Influence of a Sand Layer on Headcut Advance
The presence of an erodible material layer in the soil profile has been observed to influence headcut movement in earth emergency spillways. Large-scale flume tests were conducted to examine...

West Columbus, OH LPP Gate Closure Analysis - A Study of the Requirements for Multiple Closures
Providing flood protection by levees and/or floodwalls often requires the use of temporary closures, in lieu of the more expensive relocation of highways and railroads, in order to maintain...

1993 Ground-Water Flooding in the Havana Area
The Havana area in Mason County, west-central Illinois, experienced nearly continuous rises in the water table beginning in the fall of 1992 which created lakes in depressed areas. Water...

Monitoring and Modeling the Transport of Coarse Single Particles in Mountain Rivers
The dynamics of single cobbles was studied in the alpine river Lainbach using the Magnetic Tracer Technique (MATT) and radiotransmitters (PETSY = PEbble Transmitter SYstem). Our measurements...

A Study on Mathematical Model for Sediment Yield in Mountain Regions with Large Hillside Slopes
Based on the characteristics of water and soil loss in mountain region with large hillside slopes in southwest of China, the equations of runoff formation and sediment yield are obtained....

Fluvial Hydraulics of Streams and Mountain Rivers with Mobile Bed
The local hydraulic conditions concerning the incipient motion of the bed material in mountain streams are considered. Results of measurements carried out by using the radioisotope tracer...

Size Characteristics of Debris Flow Deposition
The size distribution of debris flow deposition is extremely wide which may contain nearly all particles from clay and colloid to boulder. Particle size and composition have very important...

Energy Losses in Steep Tributary Streams at Flows Near The Threshold of Bedload Entrainment
The flow patterns in mountain tributary streams that depends on the channel morphology, cobbles, boulders and debris that protrude along the channel and bank height cause energy losses...

Thresholds for Gravel and Cobble Motion
Flows necessary to initiate motion of rocks on a lateral bar along the Gunnison River in Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument are observed. Gravel and cobbles are painted and...





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