Endangered Wildlife of the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh
The present work based on the observation of several years since, 1968. Study was done along the coastal zone of Bangladesh. Random exploitation, destruction of habitat, illegal hunting,...

Influence of Depth-of-Cover on Pipe-Soil Interaction
A major research effort was undertaken to study the structural behavior of a natural gas pipeline under several critical service conditions. The program included a field test site near...

Experimental and Field Observation of Dynamic Behavior of Buried Pipelines
Cyclic torsion, axial pull-out, and bending data from experiments conducted on jointed utility pipelines buried at several depths are presented. It is found that linear relationships exist...

Karnafuli Hydroelectric Project, Hydraulic Model Studies of Spillway Damage
The Karnafuli Hydroelectric Project is located in Bangladesh. On August 13, 1961, distress was noted in the spillway flow. A special Board of Consultants considered possible causes for...

Instrumentation for an Uplifting Ice Force Model
Pile-supported, light duty structures are especially vulnerable to the uplifting forces. To evaluate the parameters that control the magnitude of the uplifting force a laboratory model...

Human Interface Design of an APM Control Center
The control center of an Automated People Mover (APM) system is a man-machine system. Both software and hardware aspects of the design of the monitor room that directly affect ease of...

Utilization of Experimentally Obtained Connection Data in Assessing the Performance of Steel Frames
Data from over 70 separate experimental studies on steel beam to column connections are reviewed with particular reference to the joint's in-plane moment-rotation characteristic. More...

Behaviour and Strength of Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections
A research study was started at the Politecnico of Milan (Italy) to investigate the influence of the main governing parameters on the behaviour and strength of flexible frames. A sophisticated...

Joint Flexibility in Steel Frames
This paper investigates the effects of connection flexibility and panel zone deformation on the behavior of plane steel frames. The incorporation of these factors in frame analysis will...

Continuum Modeling of Discrete Structures with Geometric Nonlinearities
The modeling of geometrically non-linear discrete structures by an equivalent continuum is presented. The discrete-continuum analogy is developed by first isolating a unit cell of the...

General Continuum Models for Discrete Structures
New knowledge is presented about the structural behavior of a variety of large repetitive lattice configurations of the type appropriate for utilization in cosmic space. Focus is placed...

Uplift Behavior of Shallow Soil Anchors?An Overview
An overview is presented of the static uplift (tensile) behavior of shallow anchors used for foundations in soil. Basic anchor types are described, and their general installation and behavioral...

The Uplift Capacity of Helix Anchors in Sand
Results of field and laboratory investigations of the uplift capacity of helix anchors in sand are presented. Equipment and instrumentation were used to measure uplift load, anchor deflection...

Uplift Capacity of Helical Anchors in Clay and Silt
The results of a study on the uplift capacity of helical anchors in clay and silt are presented. Full-scale field tests and one-quarter scale laboratory tests were conducted in each soil...

Uplift Capacity of Shallow Offshore Foundations
Soil failure under upward loading is investigated by experimental laboratory tests. The problem of uplift capacity is considered in terms of effective stresses in soil skeleton and pore...

Resistance of Shallow Inclined Anchors in Clay
Some recent laboratory model test results for the ultimate pullout resistance of a square anchor inclined at angles of 0, 20, 50, 75, and 90 degrees with respect to the horizontal have...

Hurricane Alicia
One Year Later
In the pre-dawn hours of August 28, 2983, Hurricane Alicia ripped its way ashore at the western tip of Galveston Island and moved northward to the Greater Houston area. This storm caused...

Managing the Transition to CADD
The transition to computer aided drafting and design (CADD) must first begin by establishing the need and the desired or expected results. The transition is comprised of three phases:...

The Outardes 2 Concrete-Faced Rockfill Dam
The main dam of the Outardes 2 development consists of a rockfill embankment, built against an old water-retaining structure, and faced with an upstream concrete membrane. The interface...

Foz do Areia Dam?Design, Construction, and Behaviour
The 525 ft (160 m) high Foz do Areia dam in the Iguacu River, Parana, Brazil, built by 'Companhia Paranaense de Energia - COPEL', between 1975-1980, is part of...





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