Salvaging Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio has suffered from shrinking inner-city wealth resulting in reduced budgets for its urban infrastructure. Now, led by the Greater Cleveland Growth Association, the city...

The Fabricator/Designer Connection
What can the designer-fabricator team do to improve the overall function of design details? One of the best ways is to begin with team work by bringing the fabricator in on the project...

ASCE Salary Survey 1981
This is the sixteenth report in a series of biennial salary surveys conducted by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Salary data is reported on seven major categories for civil engineers:...

Big New Radio Telescope Array Listens in on Space
The world's most powerful radio telescope is so sensitive that it can detect a small CB rig operating on a distant planet. The Very Large Array (VLA) Radio Telescope Facility...

Is The Computer Program Giving Correct Answers�
As computer use mushrooms, more and more operators find they lack confidence that the computer is generating correct output. The author, a creator of computer software, offers several...

What's Wrong with U.S. Transportation Infrastructure�
Federal spending for public works is being cut back. State, county and city administrations will have to bear a larger share of the load. In the case of railroads, in some areas, track...

EPA's I/A Program Speeds Use of New Wastewater Treatment Methods
Because Congress felt there wasn't enough cost- and energy-saving innovations taking place in the environmental field, it launched the innovative and alternative technologies...

Computer Pricing Practices
A clear statement of pricing practices for computer services is presented to the civil engineering profession and its clients. Computer usage allows for enhanced values at drastically...

Combined Vegetative-Structural Slope Stabilization
Vegetation in partnership with structural measures provides an attractive and cost effective method of stabilizing slopes and combating erosion. An effective approach is to use contour...

Solar Energy for Heating Homes: How Practical�
There is a widespread belief that on-site solar energy for heating homes is still not a proven technology and that, in any event, it's much too expensive. The fact is that...

Multimillion-Acre Tea Bag
Just as pouring the same cupful again and again through a tea strainer makes bitter tea, so irrigating again and again with return-flow water concentrates salts in the water supply. While...

Computer-Aided Design and Drafting for Small Engineering Firms
As the cost of computer hardware decreases, use of the computer-aided design and drafting is becoming a cost-efficient investment for smaller engineering firms. The article includes four...

The Zero-Energy House: The Bold Low-Cost Breakthrough that may Revolutionize Housing
The world is in the early stages of a revolution in housing. About 200 houses have already been built in Canada that use under $125/yr for electric-resistance space heating�� even where...

Efficiences of Advanced Waste Treatment Obtained with Upgraded Trickling Filters
Many or most cities and towns, and particularly the smaller ones, still use trickling filters in their wastewater treatment plants. The process is economical and reliable, but unfortunately...

Some Ideas for Reducing Subway Construction Costs
This article presents the conclusions of a major study made during the past few years of both U.S. and European practices in building subways. Among the key conclusions: Planners and designers...

Largest Rotating Biological Contactor Plant Also First to Remove Nitrogen
Orlando, Florida is now constructing a new advanced waste treatment plant that removes both nitrogen and phosphorus to a high level. The plant is notable because it is the largest rotating...

Faults in Swedish and American Tunnel Practice: A Fable
Swedish and American practices in dealing with unanticipated geological conditions encountered during tunnel construction are contrasted. Swedish practice, illustrated with an actual example,...

1977 Clean Air Act: Cheapest Way to Clean Up the Environment�
What impact is the Clean Air Act of 1977 having on American industry? Is the law the most cost effective way to clean up the nation's air? The power industry dislikes the...

Concrete Microwave Tower is Award Winner
A microwave tower in Florida was built of cast-in-place concrete instead of steel, because: (1)Concrete was considered more esthetic than steel; and (2)concrete was more resistant than...

Energy From Space
Patented by Peter Glaser in 1973 the solar power satellite is a concept still mindboggling to some. It is a satellite orbiting 22,300 miles (35,800 km) above earth in geosynchronous orbit....





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