The Bering Sea Maritime Delimitation Dispute
A treaty forged in friendship is now the subject of dispute between two rival superpowers. The 1867 Convention Treaty in which Russia ceded Northwestern America to the United States for...

Territorial Sea Management by the State of Oregon
The institutional capability of the State of Oregon to manage the territorial sea under its jurisdiction recently was examined by the authors. Oil and gas development, marine mineral mining,...

EEZ Governance in Australia, Canada, the United States and New Zealand
All four nations listed in the title claim 200-mile exclusive resource zones based on the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf...

The EEZ: Potential and Problems for Ocean Management
The emergence of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) represents the culmination of efforts to devise a transitional zone between the territorial sea, in which the coastal state has sovereignty...

Use of Ocean Resources Criteria for Marine Tourism Planning and Management
A series of questionnaires and a modified weighting procedure developed by Gearing, Swart and Var were employed to obtain the ranking of ocean recreation criteria. An open-ended questionnaire...

Canada's Policy for National Marine Parks
The paper reviews some of the unique characteristics of marine ecosystems that demand management considerations distinct from those applied to terrestrial ones. The second part presents...

The International Network: A Solution for Marine Protected Area Management
The Marine and Estuarine Management Division in cooperation with the U. S. Man and the Biosphere Program and other international organizations sponsored the International Marine Protected...

Oil Rigs: Biology, Mariculture, Drilling Muds, Rigs-to-Reefs
Oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico and Santa Barbara Channel provide hard substrates, diverse habitats and excellent breeding grounds from the sea floor through the splash zone. As a...

The ARC Reefs: Designed Artificial Reef Systems
Results of laboratory tests and preliminary results of field tests indicate materials and designs incorporated in The American Reef Corporation (ARC) designed artificial reef structures...

Oil and Krill: From Lab to Nature
Bioassay tests were conducted on Arctic krill, the euphausiid Thysanoessa raschii, using water-soluble fractions of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska crude oil. Experimental results indicated that larval...

Informal Regulatory Consultations: Greasing the Skids
Companies considering major coastal zone construction projects should conduct informal consultations with appropriate regulatory and resource management agencies early in the planning...

A Primer on Permit Conditioning
The use, development, and protection of coastal, ocean, and marine resources is highly dependent on the various permits issued by local, state, and federal regulatory agencies. Thousands...

The Benefit of Utilizing Case Specific Modelling and Data to Determine Effluent Limitations
This abstract refers to the results of a normal conservative approach to a more realistic, substantiated approach to determining effluent limitations. The new approach was used to establish...

Numerical Modeling of the Coastal Current Regime at Yaquina Bay, Oregon
The application of a family of hydrodynamic numerical models for simulating tidal and wave-induced currents at Yaquina Bay, Oregon, is described. An overview of four numerical models is...

Developing Oceanfront Hotels on Built-Up Coasts: Resolving Public Access, Natural Hazards, and Community Character Conflicts
In the mid 1980s, a resurgence of hotel development took place along the oceanfront of the northern shore of New Jersey, a 35 mile reach of barrier spits and headlands intensely developed...

A Railway Protection?Coastal Structures on Tyrrehenian Calabrian Coastline
The stretch of Calabrian coastline facing the Tyrrehenian Sea has for many years undergone severe erosion, exposing the Battipaglia-Reggio Calabria railtrack to the direct action of waves....

Ocean Erosion Control for the Private Sector
The paper describes some procedures of design and construction of riprap type protective structures to contain ocean erosion and to provide an end product that both gives protection and...

Mitigation Features for Marinas
The John Wayne Marina was permitted for construction only after certain design features were altered to accommodate major biological and water quality concerns. The moorage basin was relocated...

North Fraser Harbour Environmental Management Plan
In April 1985, the North Fraser Harbour Commission (NFHC) initiated work to establish an environmental management program for the North Fraser Harbour to be jointly administered by the...

Innovations in Dredged Material Disposal in Puget Sound
This study, known as the Puget Sound Dredged Disposal Analysis (PSDDA), is building on a strong history of federal/state cooperation within Washington which is unique in the United States....





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