Status Report ? Task Committee on GIS Models and Distributed Models of the Watershed
In recognition of the trend toward the adoption of geographic information system (GIS) technology in analyzing hydrologic problems and the obvious applications of GIS in incorporating...

Wastewater Reuse: An Alternative for Potable Water
Adverse economic conditions throughout the world have resulted in a shift of priorities causing water supply and sanitation schemes to relegate down the list of adequately funded projects....

Appropriate Sanitation Technology Advisor: A Planner's Tool in Less Developed Countries
The goal of the expert system (ES) prototype described in this paper is to create an advising method for planners, engineers and officials in Less-Developed Countries (LDCs) to utilize...

Design Guidelines for Bioengineered Bank Stabilization
Design of bioengineered slope stabilization measures in riverine environments to minimize rates of stream bank erosion requires accounting for hydrologic, hydraulic, geomorphic, geotechnical,...

River Restoration Considerations Beyond Channel Design
Restoration of river systems in highly disturbed environments poses unique challenges beyond channel design. The Jordan Creek Restoration project in Idaho was conducted in a valley disturbed...

Water Quality Mitigation for the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor
The San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor (SJHTC) is a 24 km Design/Build tollway which has been financed with bonds to be paid back with toll revenue. The Environmental Impact Statement...

Navigation Lock Improvements
All commercial barge traffic on the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway must pass through a system of locks designed and built in the 1930s and 40s. Many of the locks on these...

Results of a GIS/HEC-1 Interface Module
Great strives have been made in recent years to automate the S.C.S. curve number weighting process required for large-scale watershed modeling utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS)...

Field Verification of Dem-Derived Watershed Response
Rainfall-runoff data from an NAEW Experimental Watershed are used to test the feasibility of deriving the watershed response from the digital elevation model of the watershed. Using Clark's...

Development and Implementation of a Capital Improvement Program for a Small Water Utility
The City of Las Cruces water utilities is being exposed to accelerated population growth and is faced with inadequate capital infrastructure to meet increasing demands. The City's...

How to Manage Floodwaves in the Dutch Meuse: Future Measures to Reduce the Inconvenience of Inundations
This study showed that in the Gravelmeuse the combination of nature development and reducing of inundation inconvenience is possible. In the framework of the obliged supply of a fixed...

Influence of Flooding Events on Suspended Matter Quality of the Meuse River (The Netherlands)
Flooding events of the Rhine and Meuse Rivers have struck The Netherlands in 1993 and 1995. In the Meuse River basin, the river forelands have been widely used for housing and agro-industrial...

Water-Related Hazards: India's Experiences
The geographical position of India (N 8? and 37?; E 70? and 97?) and its physical features are such that a variety of climatic conditions prevail over different parts of the country. Its...

Upper Mississippi River System Environmental Management Program (EMP)
Introduction The Upper Mississippi River Navigation System (UMRNS) is one of the largest Public Works projects existing within the continental United States of America. The system, which...

Environmental Restoration Measures on the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway (TENN-TOM)
The Tenn-Tom, opened to navigation traffic in 1985, was designed and constructed to promote environmentally sustainable development. During the past ten years, the original measures have...

Marine Engines Emissions for Vessels of the United States Coast Guard
A source testing project was conducted for a select class of ships of the United States Coast Guard (USCG). Pollutants quantified included nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur dioxide (S02),...

Optimization Modeling of Complex Surface Water Collection Systems
The New York City (NYC) water supply system is currently being modeled using Linear Programming (LP) optimization techniques. A series of simulations were performed to investigate the...

Flood Damage Estimates Using GIS Spatial Analysis
The catastrophic flooding in the midwest during the Summer of 1993 and in California in the Spring of 1995 resulted in flood damage estimates in the hundreds of millions to billions of...

Model for Water Quality in Periphery of Distribution Systems
A model is presented for water travel time and chlorine concentration in periphery dead ends of the water distribution system. The model is developed under the premise that residential...

The Management Improvement Program: An Irrigation District's Perspective of the Demonstration Program
In November 1990, the Maricopa-Stanfield Irrigation and Drainage District agreed to participate in the first application of the Management Improvement Program (MIP) for irrigated agriculture....





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