Effectiveness of Extended Detention Ponds
Field and laboratory studies of the performance of detention facilities for the removal of selected pollutants from urban stormwater were conducted. The laboratory studies consisted of...

Research on Transportation Facilities in Cold Regions
Transportation facilities research in cold regions, reported in this session proceedings, begins with a field study showing that ground surface characteristics have a significant effect...

In Situ State of Underwater Hydraulic Sand Fills
An approach is described for quantifying the in situ state of hydraulically placed sand fills which are a significant element in the construction of artificial exploration islands in the...

The Rapid Deployment System: A Method for Conducting In Situ Soil Tests from Moving Ice in The Arctic Offshore
A new system was developed which permits rapid helicopter assisted transport of a light-weight in situ geotechnical testing system to remote offshore sites situated on unstable first-year...

Earth Pressure on Underground Concrete Pipe in a Field Test
The cause of cracking at the sheetpile extraction in concrete pipes buried by the open excavation method was investigated by loading tests on the pipe and a field test carried out by Osaka...

Seismic CPT to Measure In-Situ Shear Wave Velocity
A new test, called the seismic cone penetration test (SCPT) is described. A small rugged velocity seismometer has been incorporated into an electronic cone penetrometer. The combination...

Quality Assurance/Quality Control; Case Studies?Introduction
The report emphasizes several requirements for quality management: a. The need for a knowledgeable field representative, preferably the resident engineer. This person must be familiar...

South Branch Rockaway Storm Water Management Study
The Division of Water Resources of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the Hunterdon Soil Conservation District, the United States Department of Agriculture's...

Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Grout Movement
This paper describes the acoustic emission (AE) method in general, and in particular the AE system which holds significant promise in this regard. Used was a multichannel AE system which...

Oil Shale Fracture Characterization by a New Model
Fracture toughness of oil shale is a property which is essential for fracture characterization needed for energy resource development and recovery. However, a data base for fracture toughness...

Construction QA/QC Systems that Work
Case Studies
Four case studies discuss the issue of responsibility for quality assurance and quality control by describing actual situations where quality work is being done in the field. The case...

Geographic Information Systems: A Planning Tool
Geographic Information Systems provide an opportunity for water resource planners to examine potential impacts of proposed plans early in the study process. Conflicts can be identified...

Analysis of Reservoir Operations on the IBM-PC
The optimization of reservoir operations is a major economic concern. This paper contributes a computer software package, SPORO, written for the IBM-PC, for the stochastic optimization...

Forecasting Demand for Urban Water
The purpose of this study is to assess current water use forecasting practice in the US Army Corps of Engineers and to recommend additional approaches which best satisfy current requirements....

Prototype Laser Fluorescence/Fiber Optics Groundwater Contaminant Detector
Laboratory testing of a prototype field-portable instrument for in-situ laser fluorescence analysis of groundwater contaminants using fiber optics is discussed. Gasoline, gasoline components,...

Design and Operation of Belt Filter Presses
This report summarizes the findings of a study performed to identify and concisely document improved design and operation procedures for belt filter presses for municipal sludge that have...

Picture Index for Field Verification of Crop Coefficients
A picture index has been developed for eight irrigation crops to obtain reliable, rapid, and low-cost field determinations of crop growth stages and corresponding crop coefficient (Kc)...

Formation of a Caribbean Coastal Management Unit
Rational management of Caribbean coastal areas is hindered by the poor state of knowledge of coastal ecosystems and by shortage of manpower with expertise in coastal management. To address...

Histological Markers of Environmental Effect
This paper evaluates the potential use of histopathology in determining the health of wild fish relative to the quality of the water in which the fish are residents. This paper examines...

Guidelines for Beach Nourishment: A Necessity for Project Management
This paper outlines detailed studies that have been performed on recently completed projects to assess the fill sediment redistribution and profile response. This compilation of data has...





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