Research on the Strength Characteristics of Timber Piling
Research on the strength characteristics of wet Southern Pine and Douglas Fir piling and poles is presented. Included are background information on wood's strength characteristics,...

The Mile High Dream
For the 1986 Tall Buildings Conference in Chicago, a group of experts studied the implications of a mile high skyscraper to be built of concrete. It is 500 ft square at the base, designed...

Use of In Situ Tests for Foundation Design on Clay
Years of evaluated experience with the field vane test in soft clays have resulted in empirical correction factors well suited for design practice. An extension of L. Bjerrum's...

Seismic Cone Penetration Test
A new test, called the seismic cone penetration test (SCPT) is described. A small rugged velocity seismometer has been incorporated into an electronic cone penetrometer. The combination...

Borehole Shear Test and Slope Stability
Three Iowa landslides analyzed on the basis of Borehole Shear Test (BST) data are reported. The soils included CL and ML loess and glacial till, and CH clay shale. Back-calculations from...

Pressuremeter Correlations for Preconsolidated Clay
Conventional triaxial compression and consolidation tests are often utilized to obtain parameters for design of foundations. More recently, Menard pressuremeter test results have been...

ECPT Investigation of a Slurry Trench Cutoff Wall
ECPT (electronic cone penetration testing) was used to investigate a soil-bentonite backfilled slurry trench cutoff wall at Calamus Dam in Nebraska, The wall was tested shortly after its...

In Situ Tests Aid Design of a Cylinder Pile Wall
In situ testing was used to verify geotechnical design parameters and modify construction for a 22 million dollar slope stabilization project near a major highway interchange. The project...

Correlation of Soil Parameters From In Situ and Laboratory Tests for Building 333
Pressuremeter, plate bearing and cone penetration tests were performed on the prepared foundation soil for Building 333 located in the Red River Army Depot near Texarkana, TX. The results...

Strength of Fine-Grained Soils Using the Piezocone
Evaluation has been made of several theories and methods for deducing the undrained and effective stress strength of saturated fine-grained soil from piezocone test results. Bearing capacity...

Pore Pressure Effects in Borehole Shear Testing
The effects of excess pore pressures on shear strength results obtained using the Borehole Shear Test (BST) were investigated. Pore pressures were measured during the consolidation, shear,...

Determining Sand Strength by Cone Penetrometer
Evaluation has been made of several theories and methods for deducing sand strength from cone resistance. Bearing capacity theories, cavity expansion theory, and empirical methods have...

The Mudslide Profile Method to Measure the Undrained Shear Strength of Muds
Mudslides have been reported to have a very distinctive profile. Using this distinctive profile, a method is presented to analyze the stability of the mudslide at limit equilibrium conditions....

Vane Shear Testing for Staged Construction
Staged construction was used for the earthfill embankment of Birch Dam in order to compensate for low strength clays in the foundation. Sampling and testing of foundation soils verified...

Interpretation of CPT Data for Design of Earth Dams Near Tehachapi, California
The Static Cone Penetration Test (CPT) was used to obtain needed geotechnical information for design and construction of two small earth dams near Tehachapi, California. The basic CPT...

Fast, Economical, Cone Testing of River Sediments
The objective of the study reported was to obtain quantitative geotechnical information over many square miles of Hudson River bottom. A hand held cone penetrometer was selected for use....

Relative Landslide Susceptibility in Davis County, Utah?A Multivariate Approach
The complex distribution of soil properties makes prediction of slope stability extremely difficult in these mountain watersheds. The need to assess these watersheds for their susceptibility...

Erosion and Sedimentation Processes in Irrigation
Soil erosion occurs when fluid in motion detaches and transports soil particles. Sedimentation occurs when the fluid transport capacity decreases. Both the hydraulic forces of moving water...

Available Compaction Equipment
When discussing available compaction equipment we must keep in mind the purpose of compaction. Compaction is the art of artificially increasing the density or increasing the unit weight...

Structural Applications of SIFCON
SIFCON (Slurry Infiltrated Fiber CONcrete) is a relatively new composite material utilizing steel fibers in a cement-based matrix. It differs from conventional steel-fiber-reinforced concrete...





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