Bridge Scour Research Needs
This paper presents a summary of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) priority research emphasis on bridge scour, sedimentation, and stream stability problems. The most persistent...

Rio Moquino Stream Stability and Erosion Protection, Jackpile Uranium Mine
The uniqueness of the Jackpile Reclamation Project and the changes in reclamation technology over the past few years have prompted a reexamination of some of the design criteria specified...

Flood Control Design for Development on Alluvial Fans
Hydrology, debris production, sediment transport and hydraulic studies were conducted to provide flood control for a development within an alluvial fan floodplain. Innovative techniques...

Kings Bay Channel Expansion Hybrid Model Assessment
A hybrid modeling system (coupled physical and numerical models) was developed to assess velocity and sediment impacts associated with channel expansion. Physical model tides and velocities...

Effects of Fine Sediment Intrusion on Spawning Gravel in Southeast Alaska
The supply of sediment to forest streams in Southeastern Alaska is related to the inherent instabilities of landforms, stream channels and the effects of logging practices. Debris avalanches,...

Design of a Stratified Cooling Channel
Cooling ponds are used for managing waste heat discharges. Cooling ponds are, however, expensive to construct and operate. A cooling channel is studied as an alternative means of managing...

Spatially Varying Velocity Distribution in Non-uniform Open Channel Flow
The spatial variation of velocity distribution in non-uniform flows were studied, within the framework of a velocity distribution model derived by a probabilistic formulation and entropy-maximization....

Predicted Fluvial Response to Dam Removal in the Kalamazoo River Valley, Michigan
Research has been conducted by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) to predict the fluvial response to dam drawdown and determine the distribution of recent deposits along...

Measurement of Air Entrained Flow Properties
The paper discusses conventional methods used in the field to measure bubble size, air concentration, intermittency, and velocity of air entrained flows in chutes....

Large Woody Debris Effects on Channel Friction Factor
A simple method for quantifying large woody debris (LWD) density and computing associated friction factors was developed and tested using data from the South Fork Obion River in western...

Return Velocities Induced by Shallow-Draft Navigation
Return velocities are caused by the displacement effects of vessels as they travel in navigation channels. Numerous return velocity equations have been developed for relatively small channels...

A Knowledge-Based System for the Environmental Design of Waterways (ENDOW)
Knowledge-based software systems accept problem descriptions from users and apply logic in order to generate a solution or solution set. These systems function over very narrow problem...

A Study of Friction Factor for Flow in Gravel Bed Channels
For many years practicing engineers have faced the problem of predicting the resistance to flow in channels with rough surface. Flow in channel is a complex interaction between surface...

Channel Routing Effects on Unit Hydrograph Shape
Channel routing effects on hydrograph shape and the interpretation of downstream unit hydrographs are examined. A new dimensionless routing parameter is presented....

Effect of Manning's Roughness Coefficient in Simulating Flow Parameters in Natural Channels
Manning's roughness coefficients are presented for three of the oldest and largest irrigation canals in Egypt. The discharges ranges from 35 to 318 m3/s....

Cofferdam Rip-Rap Protection for the New Esna Barrage
A 1:60 undistorted mobile bed model of the Nile River in the vicinity of Esna Barrage was constructed at the Hydraulics and Sediment Research Institute to test rip-rap protection of the...

Calibration of Beni-Mazar Movable Bed Model
A sand-bed model representing a reach of the Nile River was constructed to study alternative solutions to maintaining the navigation channel. Flume tests were carried out first to determine...

Numerical Modeling of Proposed Channel Designs (J. F. Baldwin III), California
Ship simulator studies of proposed improvements to navigable waterways are a very important part of any assessment. The John F. Baldwin Channel (JFB) Project (Phase III) is a ship channel...

Drought-related West Tennessee Channel Bank Failures
Massive bank failures occurred in 1988 along a 14-kilometer reach of the lower Obion River channel in Dyer County, West Tennessee where the river flows through an abandoned Mississippi...

Project Controls on the Channel Tunnel Project
Establishing controls for a multi-facted, multi-billion dollar, privately financed, project which is run by two organisations created solely for that one project has been a major challenge....





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