The Remedial Action Plan for the Fox River, Wisconsin
The nature of and need for Remedial Action Plans (RAP) in 42 areas of the Great Lakes is reviewed with special attention given to the Fox River and Lower Green Bay area. A brief historical,...

Hydrogeology of a Barrier Island System, Nags Head, North Carolina
The purpose of this research was to understand the dynamics of the water table prior to the start of municipal pumping and to predict the effect that the pumping would have upon the water...

IWR-Main?Version 5.1?An IBM-PC or Compatible Water Use Forecasting System
The IWR-MAIN water use forecasting system is a sophisticated and flexible computer program designed for estimating and forecasting municipal water requirements. The IWR-MAIN system is...

A Front End Expert System for the Calibration of SWMM Runoff Block
An expert system is discussed which acts as a front end to the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) for the purpose of preparation of data input and parameter selection. The structure of...

Water Assurance Districts: A New Concept in Local Government
Society has long utilized local governmental units to implement numerous water management functions. This paper discusses a new and relatively unique local organizational structure now...

Water Supply Critical Areas
Due to the serious overuse of groundwater resources which has led to the continued decline of the potentiometric surface of certain aquifers below sea level, and to real and potential...

Conflict Management Task Committee Approach
The Task Committee on Conflict Management (coordinated by the Social and Environmental Objectives and Impacts Committee, WRPMD), was established to develop guidelines for use by water...

The Conservation Foundation's Handbook on Resolving Water Resource Disputes
As part of a cooperative effort with the ASCE's Water Resources Planning and Management Division, The Conversation Foundation is working to develop a handbook for resolving...

Great Lakes Levels: Toward Systematic Decision Making
The International Joint Commission (IJC) has authority given by the governments of Canada and the United States to use existing works to regulate the lakes system according to agreed-to...

A Linear Dynamic Programming Model for the Optimal Allocation of Water in Groundwater Dependent Areas
The purpose of this paper is to describe an efficient computer-aided planning method using linear and dynamic programming together with a finite difference groundwater model to determine...

Application of a GIS to a Ground Water Classification System
New more effective methods of ground water management are being developed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) including an anticipatory conceptual State ground...

TRUMPET: A TR20plus Watershed Model?Version 1.04
The TRUMPET watershed model is a microcomputer application which expands upon the widely used SCS TR20 hydrology computer program by providing user-friendly, interactive input and file...

Comparison of Two Methods for Modeling Urban Runoff
The techniques currently available for modeling urban runoff can generally be grouped into discrete and lumped system approaches. The storm water management model (SWMM) provides procedures...

Daily Water Budget Model for Water Resources Management
A daily water budget model has been developed and tested for the Clinch and Powell watersheds located in SW Virginia and NE Tennessee. The model integrates available data and simulates...

Water Conservation and Floodplain Regulation at Barrett Dam?San Diego, CA
Barrett Dam is owned and operated by the City of San Diego, California. This paper describes the response of the dam to heavy storms that occurred in Southern California in 1980. Computer-generated...

Water Demand Forecast Uncertainty
This paper examines the effect of water demand forecast uncertainty on the operation of a city's water supply system. It is based on a number of years experience the author...

Use of Stormwater Models to Optimize the Performance of a Regional Stormwater Detention System
implications of stormwater models to develop a regional detention basin master plan for Fairfax County, Virginia are described. Following the selection of candidate sites and detention...

Underground Storage in Urban Stormwater Management
The use of underground pipe detention basins is discussed. These basins mitigate the frequency of localized flooding and sewer surcharging by effectively increasing the flow capacity of...

Resolving a Groundwater Conflict in Colorado
In 1985, the City of Lakewood, Colorado, submitted applications for permits to drill 20 wells in the Arapahoe Aquifer with the intent of appropriating 4300 acre-feet annually for eventual...

Administration of Water in the 21st Century in Accordance with the Appropriation Doctrine
In accordance with the appropriation doctrine it appears straightforward to distribute water during below-average supply, 'first in time of use, first in right of use'....





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