Seven Myths of Managing Microcomputers
Microcomputer usage in the transportation community has grown so rapidly in recent years that it seems sometimes that we are being overwhelmed, and maybe oversold, by the technology. As...

Sell Your Organization on the Seven C's for Effective Microcomputer Management
Managing microcomputer resources within your organization is not always smooth sailing. This paper will highlight seven attributes which an organization would do well to follow for more...

Computers for the Transit Dispatch Office
In 1985 the Transportation Research Board sponsored a report by MacDorman and Associated titled 'Extraboard Management: Procedures and Tools'. The report targeted...

Cost-Effective Sizing of the Transit Extraboard
In 1983, the Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) provided funds to develop manual procedures known as the User's Guide to Optimizing the Transit Operator Work...

Traffic and Transport Data Management by Micro-Computer
Dealing with the multiple needs of an adequate traffic and urban transport information system is becoming a manageable task with the software and hardware presently available in micro-computing....

Highway Statistics Summary on Microcomputers
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is under an interagency agreement with the Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, to prepare the necessary historical highway...

Procedures for Evaluating TSM Projects
The constraints of limited funding, increasing demand and environmental impact have led to an increase in Transportation Systems Management (TSM) improvements on surface transport systems....

Microcomputer Expert Systems in Transportation Engineering
This paper reviews microcomputer-based expert systems in transportation engineering. Expert systems have great potential for solving ill-structured problems and for becoming useful tools...

Expert Systems for Traffic Signal Control
The level of service achieved by a pretimed signal timing control strategy implemented at an isolated intersection incurring saturated and over-saturated demand varies with actual traffic...

Expert System for Transportation Corridors
Semantic nets and frame representations are used by an expert system under development to assist in the selection of projects and control strategies in transportation corridors. The project...

Expert Systems Approach for Analysis of High Hazard Locations
This paper focuses on the detailed analysis of specific highway locations that have been identified as hazardous in the framework of a State Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)....

Use of CAD for Traffic Sign Design Purposes
At present, AutoCAD is the most popular CAD system for micromputers. It is relatively inexpensive and is very flexible, comprehensive, and easy to use. A preliminary review of AutoCAD...

Setting Up a Microcomputer Bulletin Board
The Technology Transfer Program at Arizona State University initiated an electronic bulletin board in 1987 as part of its program of information services for local transportation agencies....

Conversion of Engineering Applications to Microcomputers
Conversion of programs from a mainframe environment to a microcomputer is a new experience to many engineers. This paper discusses briefly some basic issues and then focuses on the issues...

Microcomputer Security
The author emphasizes the importance of back-up in relation to microcomputer security. He also adds that equipment and accidental file destruction must be avoided. The author examines...

Security Issues in Transportation Software Development
While there may indeed be valid concern for controlling access to computers and programs, and data integrity should be considered, there should not be burdensome features which render...

Materials and Member Behavior
Each of the papers in this book covers some aspect of material properties. New developments in cold formed steel are reviewed. The strength, stiffness, and ductility of steel connections...

Computer Applications in Structural Engineering
The papers in this book deal with the development or application of software systems to the design, analysis, and drafting activities associated with engineered structures. A number of...

Dynamics of Structures
This volume includes the papers presented at the 6th Structures Congress of ASCE which deal with the analysis, design, and behavior of civil engineering structures and facilities subjected...

Hydraulic Engineering
The papers in this book were presented at the ASCE National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, August, 1987, Williamsburg, Va. The objective of this conference was to provide a forum...





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