Nuclear Outages: An Approach to Project Controls
The nuclear refueling outage is short-lived, fast paced, and very costly to the nuclear utility. To better control modification expenses and reduce outage-related costs, utilities are...

Intact Decommissioning Alternative for Nuclear Power Plants
Previous studies of decommissioning options for nuclear power plants have examined potential alternatives such as immediate dismantlement, entombment, and moth-balling. This paper describes...

Managing a New Start Rail Transit Agency
In 1982 the Southern California Rapid Transit District (RTD) was facing two major challenges. A Policy and Management Plan was developed to meet these two major challenges. The Policy...

Managing Major Transit Construction Projects
Building rapid transit systems is a regular and ongoing world wide occurrence. However, for cities initiating first time transit system development it is truly a unique experience. Initiating...

Organization for Rapid Transit Design and Construction
This paper discusses organizational arrangements for design and construction of rapid rail transit systems and the advantages and disadvantages of the various organizational arrangements....

Organization for Construction of a Rail Transit Project
The Long Beach-Los Angeles rail transit project is part of an on-going transit development process by the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission (LACTC) in which the Long Beach-Los...

Cultivating Community Confidence?The Key to Success or Failure
A successful community participation program proved to be the turning point for federal approval of the Buffalo, New York rapid transit project. This paper details that citizen involvement....

MBTA Red Line Extension Operating Plan
Completion of the MBTA's 3. 2 mile Red Line Rapid Transit Extension is scheduled for 1985. When completed, the seven year 574 million project will add three new stations to...

Seismic Analysis of Horse Creek Dam, Hudson, Colorado
On April 8, 1981, six days after a Richter magnitude 4. 0 earthquake, inspectors from the Colorado State Engineer's Office discovered a small crack in outboard side of Horse...

Effects of Scale on Tall Buildings
The laws of scale in relation to structures are explored within an historic, as well as an aesthetic context. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of structural systems for...

Structural Expression in Tall and Super Tall Buildings
The economic and social pressures that have pushed skyscrapers higher above our cities have also brought forth new structural systems for tall buildings. As this trend is expected to continue...

International and Educational Aspects of Watershed Management
International donor agencies involved in furnishing technical and economic assistance for increasing food and fiber production are focusing their attention towards rain-fed agricultural...

An Ecosystem Approach to Watershed Management
An example is drawn from the Little River Research Watersheds near Tifton, Georgia. Riparian hardwood forests (low management) and upland agricultural fields (high management) are the...

Tools for Managing Army Training Lands
Army land managers and planners are responsible for managing large, diverse parcels of training land for sustained use. The highly variable but often destructive training requires a systematic...

Chaparral Watershed Management: A Systems Approach
The predicted environmental and economic effects of partial chaparral conversion for increased water yield on an experimental watershed in the Prescott National Forest, Arizona, are examined...

Modeling Streamflow Response from Minnesota Peatlands
A deterministic, continuous simulation model was developed to predict the effects of peatland development on streamflow. The Peatland Hydrologic Impact Model is largely physically based...

A Methodology of Assessing Nonpoint Source Pollution from Agricultural Watersheds
Appraisals of water quality impacts induced by applying watershed management practices are difficult due to many factors. Lack of existing research data base, the diffusive characteristics...

Acid Deposition in the Wind River Mountains
National attention has been focused on the discovery of acidified lakes in the Adirondack Mountains of New York and elsewhere in New England. It is commonly believed that the West, in...

Noise Characteristics of Alternative Urban Transit Technologies
The noise characteristics of alternative transit technologies for an urban area are summarized. Among the transportation technologies considered are a busway system, light rail transit...

Summary of the Accomplishments of the Federal Rail Transit Vibration and Noise Control Technology Program
The U. S. Department of Transportation's Urban Mass Transportation Administration and Transportation Systems Center have played an active role in assisting the U. S. rail...





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