A Portable Bowen Ratio System for ET Measurements
The AZET system developed at the University of Arizona is designed to measure evapotranspiration (ET) in arid zone environments, using the Bowen ratio model. The system consists of a set...

Bulk Stomatal Resistance in Operational Estimates of Evapotranspiration
General relationships for estimating canopy or bulk stomatal resistance and aerodynamic resistances of grass and alfalfa reference crops for use in the Penman-J.L. Monteith equation are...

Ultrasonic Flow Meter Testing
Six ultrasonic flow meters were tested in a hydraulics laboratory. Accuracies better than 2% were obtained with two transit-time meters on 14 inch diameter steel tubing. Poorer accuracies...

Visual Estimates of Flume and Weir Operating Conditions
Laboratory studies were conducted on a rectangular broad-crested weir to determine the effects of entrance and exit conditions on the prediction of discharge and required energy loss....

Achieving Accurate Irrigation Water Measurements with Propeller Meters
Propeller meters are now being used extensively to help quantify and manage the huge but poorly distributed water supplies available to irrigated agriculture in the western states. Careful...

Preliminary Results of the Department of the Interior's Irrigation Drainage Studies
The Department of the Interior, in 1986, began irrigation drainage studies in nine areas in seven Western states to determine whether irrigation drainage has caused or has the potential...

Selenium in the Kendrick Reclamation Project, Wyoming
Elevated concentrations of selenium in water, bottom sediment, and biota were noted during a reconnaissance investigation of the Kendrick Reclamation Project in central Wyoming. Dissolved-selenium...

Irrigation Drainage: Green River Basin, Utah
A reconnaissance of wildlife areas in the middle Green River basin of Utah during 1986-87 determined that concentrations of selenium in water and biological tissues were potentially harmful...

Geohydrologic Aspects of Water-Quality Problems of the San Joaquin Valley, California
Salinity and selenium concentrations in shallow ground water of the western San Joaquin Valley, California, are related to the geomorphology and hydrology of the alluvial fans. High salinity...

Trace Elements and Pesticides in Salton Sea Area, California
Concentrations of numerous potentially toxic trace elements and pesticides were determined in water, sediment, and biota from the Salton Sea area in southestern California. Comparison...

Near-Real Time Weather Information for Irrigation Management in Arizona
The Arizona Meteorological Network (AZMET) is a near-real time ag-weather information system for Arizona. A single personal computer running inexpensive bulletin board software controls...

Canvas Covered Bellani Plate Atmometer
Crop water use information is essential for sound water management and conservation in irrigated agriculture. Many water management technologies are often inapplicable until accurate and...

Crop Irrigation Requirement Model for Utah
Crop irrigation requirements vary greatly across Utah's wide range of climatic conditions. About 40 electronic weather stations have been established in areas representing...

Collection, Quality Control and Dissemination of Weather Data for Irrigation and Other Operations in an Automated Setting
High technology has made it possible to completely automate the collection of weather data. Care must be taken in designing the automated system to generalize the software components thereby...

Irrigation Scheduling Using Voice Synthesis, the Next Logical Step
An irrigation management program sponsored by the Raft River Electric Cooperative in Malta, Idaho, provided directly measured soil moisture data to selected irrigators each week during...

Adjustment of Mountain Stream Channels to Flow Regime Alteration, Preliminary Analysis
One aspect of instream flow regimes being actively debated is the need for channel maintenance of flushing flows. However, little quantitative information exists as to how different types...

Instream fFlows for the Big Bend Reach of the Platte River
The Big Bend reach of the Platte River in Central Nebraska provides habitat for 230 species of migratory birds. Included are six endangered or threatened species and the world's...

Platte River Irrigation Development: Hydrologic Myths
Several proposed municipal and irrigation developments in Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska could impact flows along the Platte River in central Nebraska. Opposition to these projects is...

The Social Sciences and Water Resources Management
With support from the National Science Foundation, a committee of 15 persons met in Washington, D.C. in 1985 to begin the process of assessing the past and future role of the social and...

Social Science, Engineering and Water Resources Management: A Perspective
This paper shares a framework or context for professional activities of social scientists in water resources management. It emphasizes the positive opportunities for helping and not simply...





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