The Role of Model Studies in Add-On Hydro Projects
The reasons for modeling add-on projects are reviewed, and guidance given for the process of determining, first, the need for modeling, and second, if modeling is necessary, whether physical...

Hydropower at Navigation Projects
Hydropower at navigation projects has been found to be compatible with the intended use of the project; however, it is important for the hydropower developer and the project owner to be...

Low Head Hydraulic Model Justifies Cost
In many cases, developers of low head hydroelectric plants fail to use physical hydraulic modelling as a tool in the design process. Economic constraints are often cited as the primary...

Pit Turbine Technology for Low Head Hydro Projects
Manufacturers of hydro generating equipment have developed designs that are adaptable to existing dams and suitable for upgrading and redevelopment of existing hydro plants. The pit turbine...

Rehabilitation of a High Specific Speed Francis Turbine
An upgrade of two (2) 4. 06 meter diameter high specific speed Francis turbines is now in progress. These machines were originally installed by Allis-Chalmers in the 1920's...

Pontook Hydroelectric Project?A Turnkey Case Study
This paper is presented in two parts. The first, presented by B. H. Adams, gives a general overview of the Pontook Project including major physical features and the financed turnkey approach...

The Design of the Nanpil River Hydropower Project
In 1980, the State of Pohnpei (then spelled Ponape) asked the Pacific Ocean Division of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to investigate the feasibility of constructing a hydroelectric...

Racine?5 Years of Successful Operating Experience with the World's Largest Bulb Turbines
In September 1982 two bulb turbine generating sets with a runner diameter of 7700 mm and a generator rating of 25 MVA were put into commercial operation at the Racine dam on the Ohio river....

Fire Protection at the Grand Coulee Hydro Project
In the fall of 1980 a rupture of one of the Project's 525kV transmission cables occurred and created a fire. Power from three Third Powerplant 700MW units was interrupted,...

Competitive Model Testing for Replacement Runners at the Wells Hydroelectric Project
The Wells Hydroelectric Project, located on the Columbia River, contains ten Kaplan-type turbines, each rated at 123,000 HP (91,720 kW) at a net head of 64. 9 ft. (19. 8m). The plant has...

Design and Commissioning of the Philadelphia Hydroelectric Project
The Philadelphia Hydroelectric Project consists of a single horizontal-shaft double-regulated S-type unit, rated 3440 kW, utilizing a programmable controller for unit operation together...

Hydropower in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge
The Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project is unique in that it is the only energy project to be constructed in a National Wildlife refuge. A National Wildlife Refuge has few equals to blocking...

The Stanley Canyon Conduit Hydroelectric Project
The Stanley Canyon Hydroelectric Project is an excellent example of the maximum use of a natural resource. The project is a combined water supply and hydroelectric facility which received...

Simply Complex
In California, after years of uncertainties and overcoming a complex myriad of hurdles, a major 205. 5 MW hydroelectric development project, financed by Northern California Power Agency,...

Upper Yellow River Projects and Longyangxia Station
The river stretch from Longyangxia to Qingtongxia, with a head drop of 1,465 m in a distance of 1,023 km (including backwater length of the Longyangxia Reservoir) is the focus of this...

Upriver Dam Hydroelectric Project Rehabilitation After Failure, Part B: Rehabilitation and Enhancement of Project Civil and Mechanical Facilities
A feasibility investigation of rehabilitation alternatives was conducted which identified several alternatives for repairing the damage and placing both powerhouses back on-line. These...

Rehabilitation of TVA's Great Falls Project
After seventy-one years of productive service, this two-unit, 31,860 kV plant is undergoing a major rehabilitation. The deterioration of the project has been of concern since the beginning...

No. 1 Water Wheel Project, Gilman, Vermont
This paper describes the replacement of an old generating unit with a new unit in a turn-of-the-century mill building where three other such units were already operating. The key issues...

Echo Dam Small Hydrodevelopment
In the mid 1970's, Bountiful City Light and Power began investigating alternative energy sources to furnish power to their distribution system. They engaged the firm of Bingham...

Design Improvements on a Small Hydro Project
The Whiskeytown Hydroelectric Project, built for the City of Redding, California, provides an excellent example of the type of improvements in general arrangement which can be achieved...





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