Development of the Hydrodata CD-ROM Data Storage System
To store and retrieve data from two of the USGS WATSTORE databases - the daily and peak values files - and the Summary of the Day file from the National Climatic Data Center, the authors...

Optimal Operation of Complex Multireservoir Systems
The paper provides brief descriptions of papers presented in two workshop sections, and of discussions on modeling reservoir systems. The sections are on optimal operation of complex multireservoir...

Application of DDDP for Optimal Daily Operation of the Niagara Generating System
This paper describes the application of Discrete Differential Dynamic Programming (DDDP) to determine the optimal operation of Ontario Hydro's Niagara Generating System, on...

Short-Term Hydroelectric Scheduling Model for WAPA
An optimization model, data system, and a series of user-friendly input/output screens (the HYDRopower Optimization Program, HYDROP) have recently been implemented at the Loveland Area...

Optimal Management of Multi-Purpose Reservoirs in a Hydro-Thermal Power System
Proper management of multi-purpose hydro systems requires to take into account the largely stochastic nature of water inflows, electric loads, and water demands, as well as the often conflicting...

Production Scheduling Model for Hydro-Qu?bec
A deterministic optimization model is described which allows to schedule the production of a predominantly-hydroelectric power system. Demand and exogenous inflows are assumed known with...

Decision Support for Short Term Export Sales From a Hydroelectric System
A stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) model was recently developed and implemented at British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (B.C. Hydro) to provide decision support for short term...

Hydropower Stochastic Forecasting and Optimization
A microcomputer package was implemented to support real-time decisions for weekly and month-end water management at an industrial complex in the mountains of British Columbia. The rolling...

Real-Time Hydrosystem Operations Using Probabilistic Balancing Rule Models
A Probabilistic Balancing Rule model is presented and shown to be effective in the prescription of real-time (daily) operations for a multi-purpose surface water reservoir system. In this...

Application of Principal-Component Analysis to Long-Term Reservoir Management
Determining the optimal long-term operating policy of a multireservoir power system requires solution of a stochastic nonlinear programming problem. The paper presents a very efficient...

Stochastic Control of Hydropower Systems
A two-level stochastic control method is presented for the real-time operation of hydropower projects. The first level assumes fixed turbine discharges and utilizes probabilistic inflow...

Risk Management of the Ottawa River System
The Ottawa River System is a large-scale and complex system comprising 30 major reservoirs and 43 generating stations and has a long history of flooding that extends throughout the basin....

Brief Description of Castor Software for Management of Reservoir Systems
The CASTOR group, started in 1984 at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal (Canada), is a major software development project for an integrated CAD system related to hydro projects. Based on...

Heuristics and Network Flow Algorithms for Multireservoir System Regulation
A generalized model employing a network flow algorithm and a heuristic database is being tested on the Qu'Appelle River basin in Canada. The heuristic database consisting...

Development of a Large Network Model to Evaluate the Yield of a Proposed Reservoir
The model simulates the operation of the Colorado River system upstream of Grand Junction, Colorado, and both the West Slope and the East Slope components of Colorado-Big Thompson system....

Optimal Operational Analysis of the Colorado-Big Thompson Project
The Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District is currently investigating the feasibility of constructing a major water storage project on the mainstem of the Poudre River for water...

Control of Water Distribution Systems: Program Descriptions
The paper describes the operation and features of a suite of computer applications programs. These have been developed within the Leicester Polytechnic Water Control Unit for analysis,...

Development of an Optimal Water Supply System for London
The Thames Water Authority has developed an integrated strategy for providing water supplies to London into the 21st Century. At the core of this strategy is the construction of over 60...

Computer Control of Houston's Water System
The City of Houston's Central Surveillance and Control System utilizes dual host computers and over 100 'smart' Remote Terminal Units to control...

Optimal Control of the West Parisian Area Water Supply Network
The West Parisian Area regional office of Lyonnaise des Eaux has been equipped with computer-aided optimal decision-making software, using daily water demand forecasts. This tool calculates...





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