Cotton Response to High Frequency Irrigation
Three cotton production tests irrigated with the Low Energy Precision Application (LEPA) system were conducted from 1985 through 1987 on the Texas High Plains. Cotton treatments were irrigated...

Trickle Irrigation of Peppers in Eastern Canada
A field study was conducted in Southern Quebec to determine the response of bell pepper plants to four irrigation treatments combined with three nitrogen fertilizer rates. The amount of...

Alfalfa Yield Response to Shallow Groundwater
Operating Criteria for the Newland Project assume that crops grown on bottomlands will use some shallow groundwater as partial fullfillment of evapotranspiration demand. Three years of...

Simulation of Post-irrigation Moisture Changes for Surface Irrigation of Corn
An attempt has been made to refine prediction of irrigation efficiency obtained at the end of an irrigation by accounting for the losses that occur during redistribution. The water budget...

Sprinkler and Subirrigation Research Park for Multiple Cropping Research
A research park has been developed to enable scientists to evaluate sprinkler and subsurface irrigation management strategies for multiple cropping rotations. Various sprinkler irrigation...

AgriMet?ET Phones Home?(Adaptation of Satellite Telemetry for Crop Water Use Modeling in the Pacific Northwest)
The development of a regional automatic agricultural weather station network in the Pacific Northwest (AgriMet) is enabling the site-specific calculation of evapotranspiration (ET) through...

Methods in Determining Crop Water Usage
A study was conducted to evaluate different methods of measuring soil moisture and crop water usage in Southwest Kansas. Soil moisture readings taken by the neutron gauge were verified...

Use of the Penman Equation in Inter-Mountain Valleys
H.L. Penman equation as well as the J.L. Monteith version of this equation were compared under the advective conditions of the Grand Valley of Colorado. The wind function in the general...

Water Requirements for Vegetable Production in Puerto Rico
Total water requirements of green beans, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, melons, okra, onion, potatoes, pumpkin, sweet peppers, sweet potato and tomatoes were estimated...

Proposed Improvements in Lateral Canal Operations
Uniform and flexible supplies of irrigation water are required for farmers to make the best use of their on-farm application systems. Results of a study of deliveries at the lateral canal...

Control of Surge Pressures in Irrigation Systems
Excessively high or low pressure within an irrigation system can result in damage to pipelines, pumps, valves, and on-farm facilities. Frequently, these pressure variations are caused...

Dam Seepage Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence
The paper discusses an interactive advanced decision support system (ADSS) which is being applied to analyzing seepage from embankment dams. The development of a prototype knowledge base,...

Investigation of Runoff from a Subsurface Drained Field
This paper examines the relationship among rainfall, water table level and runoff hydrographs for subsurface-drained farmlands. It was found that peak flows were greatly influenced by...

Drainage Through Segara Anakan
The Lower Citanduy Irrigation Project in Central Java, Indonesia, drains through the estuary called Segara Anakan. Due to sediment accretion, the lagoon is filling. With erosion problems,...

Drainage Laws and Organizations
The legal issues associated with drainage relate to repelling diffused surface water at the boundaries of one's land as well as with disposing of excess water once it has...

Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Impacts on Ground-Water Quality
The effect of irrigation management and nitrogen management on ground-water quality has been evaluated for four years on a sandy loam Coastal Plain soil. Nitrogen sidedressing and fertigation...

Modeling Irrigation and Nitrogen Management
Irrigation increases the potential for nitrate accumulation in the groundwater in two ways. It increases the water content in the root zone creating a greater potential for leaching. Two...

Water and Nitrogen Management Practices in the Central Platte Valley of Nebraska
Contamination of groundwater by nitrogen leached from fertilizer on irrigated soils is related to the quantity of nitrate present, the leaching potential based on soil texture and percent...

Economic Evaluation of Treatment Alternatives for Nitrate-Contaminated Water Supplies
This paper discusses the economic feasibility of removing nitrates from water supplies. Potential nitrate treatment methods include ion exchange, reverse osmosis, bio-denitrification,...

Large Scale Evapotranspiration from Remotely Sensed Surface Temperature
Large scale evapotranspiration requires a blend of ground-based and remotely sensed data. To evaluate the utility of the extension from a small to a large scale, studies were conducted...





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