State Financing of Soil Conservation Programs
Federal financial incentives to implement conservation programs under traditional programs probably will not increase. Any increases in present financial incentives and new incentive alternatives...

Implementing a Groundwater Control Board
Memphis, Tennessee, situated on the banks of the Mississippi river, has never utilized this vast resource for water supply. Instead, Artesian wells have supplied the Memphis, Tennessee...

Dam Replacement Insurance
Most dam owners recognize that the dams they operate are critical structures, both to water users as well as downstream floodplain occupants. Loss of the structure use has significant...

Attitudes and Health Effects of Water Reuse
This paper is concerned with public attitudes toward water reuse for irrigation and with the consequences of human contact with reclaimed wastewater. Initially, attitudes are considered...

Water Resources Planning for the San Antonio Region
Water resources planning for the San Antonio region begins with the physical setting and the technical considerations - the science and engineering aspects. It proceeds to the economic...

People and Practicality in Water Management
A discussion of the water control management responsibilities of the St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is given, with particular emphasis upon people issues and upon practical...

World Bank's Role in Global Water and Related Environmental Issues
The World Bank provides loans and technical assistance to developing countries for improvement of the physical and economic well-being of the people. A major portion of its lending is...

International Water Problem on the Rio Grande
Under a 1906 Convention between the Governments of the United States and Mexico, and under the jurisdiction of the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) Mexico receives annually...

Instream Flows for Recreational and Aesthetic Resources
Methods for assessing impacts of instream flow changes on recreation and aesthetics are presented. Impacts to recreation can be predicted by quantifying recreational use, predicting impacts...

Estimating Impacts of Irrigation on Streamflow
This paper presents a method for estimating the impact of irrigation withdrawals on streamflows and shows the application of that method to the Kankakee River Basin of Illinois and Indiana....

Instream Flow Requirements for Riparian Vegetation
Increasing frequency of stream diversion is requiring establishment of methods to determine instream flow requirements for riparian resources. Most methods are oriented toward fisheries....

Using Role Analysis for Instream Flow Negotiations
Improved understanding of multi-agency decisionmaking has been called for but is rarely achieved, partially because there is no well known, broadly accepted technique for conducting an...

Conflict Resolution in Regional Water Management
The experience with environmental dispute resolution (EDR) at South Florida Water Management has been largely one of changing the operating premises regarding the agency's...

Integrated Water Use Management
Recognizing the increasing frequency of water supply problems, and the fact that many of them cannot be solved solely within county or other political boundaries, an integrated water management...

Planning for Future Hydroelectric Power: A Myth?
The hydroelectric power industry in the U.S. is authorized and regulated by the Federal Government through the Federal Energy Retgulatory Commission (FERC) under the Federal Power Act....

Water Supply and Conservation in a Desert City
The city of Phoenix, a fast growing metropolitan area, set in the northern reaches of the Sonoran Desert, seems to have reached the limits of the western water frontier. Presently, Phoenix...

Strategies for Planning Metropolitan Water Supplies
Metropolitan growth and increased concerns for water quality and environmental impacts have created challenges for the provision of water supplies within metropolitan areas. The paper...

Hydrologic Criteria: NPS Water Quality Assessment
This paper summarizes the authors deliberations and findings regarding selection of hydrologic conditions suitable for the evaluation of the water quality impacts of nonpoint sources (NPSs)...

Hydrologically Optimizing Stormwater Quality Facilities
There exists a need to develop a method for the sizing of urban stormwater runoff capture volume for water quality enhancement purposes. This paper describes a method that utilizes hydrologic...

Who is the Public?
The old concept of applying to the state for a right to use water has changed as the availability of unappropriated water has disappeared. Today the emphasis is on acquiring a water right...





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