Impacts of Low Flows on the Alluvial Rivers of the Southwest Region of Bangladesh
The Ganges River, which flows out of China through Nepal and India and finally into Bangladesh, has been subjected to continuous scrutiny as conflicts regarding the diversion of water...
Integrated Planning for International River Basin
The integrated development of the Vardar/Axios Basin includes a system of projects scheduled to meet the needs and aspirations of Yugoslavia (in particular, the former Socialist Republic...
A Two-Dimensional Contaminant Transport Model with High-Resolution Upwind Schemes
High-resolution upwind schemes have become popular techniques to solve multidimensional transport problems. Based on the finite volume method (FVM), two-dimensional horizontal hydrodynamic...
Hydrodynamic Modeling of San Diego Bay
A two-dimensional vertically-averaged finite element model was adapted to study the hydrodynamics of San Diego Bay. The hydrodynamic model was interfaced with pre- and post-processors...
Transport Process of Surface Liquid Spills
A mathematical model simulating the scenarios of surface liquid spills is presented in this paper. This model describes the advance front and recession curves of surface spills based on...
An Integrated Shell (ROSS3) for Transport Modeling, Visualization, and Data Management
A model shell (ROSS3) which does visualization, data management, and modeling transport of oil and chemical spills in inland waters all within a single integrated unit is presented. Numerous...
Near Field Behavior of a Far Field Circulation Model
Output from the 3-D far field circulation model ECOMsi was compared with output from EPA initial mixing models in two simulations of coastal sewage outfalls - an idealization with steady...
Reconstruction of Concentration Boundary Condition for Unsteady Pesticide Transport Modeling
A one-dimensional unsteady contaminant transport model which used an unsteady hydraulic field was used to model pesticides (metolachlor, metribuzin) in the Iowa River/Coralville Reservoir....
Contaminant Fate and Transport Model in Pool-and-Riffle Streams
The complex nature of solute transport and transformation processes in natural streams has been investigated using numerical solution of a proposed mathematical model. This model is based...
A model to describe the fate of agricultural pollutants
The distributed parameter hydrological model CEQUEAU is coupled to nitrogen and pesticide sub-models to study agricultural non-point pollution at the watershed level. This developing tool...
Lake Michigan Diversion at Chicago
Water has been diverted from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River basin beginning with the construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal in 1848 to serve navigation needs. During the...
Benefits of Hazard Mitigation Planning to Reduce Shoreline Impacts Due to Great Lakes Water Level Management Fluctuations and Severe Storms
Recent experience with flood hazard mitigation planning that encompassed aspects of pre-disaster preparedness and recovery operations have proven to be an effective tool in geographic...
The Regulation of Lake Ontario During the Spring of 1993; a Period of Record Supplies
A wet summer in 1992 and record water supplies to Lake Ontario during early 1993 resulted in very high levels on the lake. Actions by the International St. Lawrence River Board of Control...
Multi-Reservoir Systems Optimization by the Aggregation/Decomposition Methodology
Studies on long term optimization of multi-reservoir systems are enhanced by the availability of closed-loop policies as available in Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP). SDP offers a...
The Great Lakes Forecasting System: An Overview
The Great Lakes Forecasting System is a full three-dimensional model-based system designed to make regularly scheduled predictions of the physical status of each of the Great Lakes. Due...
Daily Procedure for GLFS Nowcasts
The Great Lakes Forecasting System (GLFS) is an integrated system involving three levels of computational power for making predictions. GLFS consists of three-dimensional numerical circulation...
GLFSVIEW - GLFS Product Viewing Application
GLFSVIEW is a menu-driven Visual Basic application running under MicroSoft Windows. This application allows quick downloading, browsing, printing and display of two-dimensional data maps...
Impact of GOES Data on Surface Heat Flux Predictions
Surface heat flux is the required input for the Great Lakes Forecasting System (GLFS) in order to predict three dimensional temperature structure of the Great Lakes. Since the flux is...
Spectral and Parametric Wave Models of Lake Erie
The GLERL-Donelan parametric wave model and the SHALWV spectral wave model are presently being used as modules of the Great Lakes Forecasting System in order to determine which best fits...
A Nearshore Model for Cleveland CSO Remediation Design Selection
Three models were combined to analyze the fate of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Firstly, a 20 year hindcast of Lake Erie was used to find design storms by...
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