Water Treatment Facility Design for a Glacial Lake
The Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska has undertaken a major water supply project, the Eklutna Water Project, to satisfy the growing water demands of Anchorage. The source of raw water,...

Alyeska Reroutes Trans-Alaska Pipeline at MP 200
This paper discusses the 1985 wintertime repair/reroute to the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS). The rerouted pipe was approximately 4000 feet long and cost approximately 27 million....

Wastewater Plant Cold Weather Operational Problems
A questionnaire survey was conducted at biological wastewater treatment facilities in northern New England. Problems associated with various unit processes, due to cold weather operations,...

Arctic Stream Scour: A Case History
A small arctic stream on the North Slope of Alaska was monitored through one hydrologic cycle. The flow rate of the stream and the progress of its erosion through a breach into an adjacent...

Developing a Community Water System for Shishmaref, Alaska
This paper discusses a unique water supply system for the City of Shishmaref, a moderately sized Alaska Native community on Sarichef Island in the Chukchi Sea. A three million gallon reservoir...

Coal Mining in Alaska's Interior: Problems and Solutions
The Usibelli Coal Mine located in Healy, Alaska is currently the largest operating coal mine in the state of Alaska. The mine has recently increased production to nearly 1. 7 million tons...

Geotechnical investigation: Cominco's Red Dog Mine Facilities
The siting of major facilities associated with development of the Red Dog Mine Complex in Northwestern Alaska on relatively warm permafrost soil and rock presented geotechnical engineers...

Effluent Dispersion Measurements Under Sea Ice
Field measurements of the dispersion of effluent from the Seawater Treatment Plant (STP) at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, were made during April 1985. The primary objective was to determine whether...

Insulation Performance Beneath Roads and Airfields in Alaska
Evaluations of the long-term thermal performance of installations in Alaska for frost heave control have included sampling and testing of the insulations to determine the retained thickness,...

Waterfront Stabilization Project, Kaktovik, Alaska
This paper discusses an innovative 384-foot treated-timber cribwall design utilized to control rapidly accelerating thermal erosion and establish a roadway along the bluff on the Beaufort...

Wave Forces on an Arctic Monotower Platform
At offshore lease sites located along the western coast of Alaska, longer periods of open water can be expected. As a result, wave induced hydrodynamic loading will become a more significant...

Upper Delaware River Ice Control?A Case Study
During February 1981 a castastrophic breakup ice jam occurred along a reach of the Delaware River near Port Jervis, NY, causing 14. 5 million in damages. In February 1982 another breakup...

Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Armor Units Subject to Wave Impact
Concrete armor units are commonly employed for the protection of shorelines and rubble structures. Their design is primarily based on hydrodynamic stability. However, their structural...

Seismic Structural Optimization and Computer Programs
A generic system has been developed for the geometric design of highway retaining walls. Merging the three-dimensional coordinate geometry capabilities of the roadway design system (RDS)...

Turnaround in Houston
Simply implementing the suggestions of the workers building a 14-story garage in Houston, turned a disaster in the making into a project ahead of schedule and under budget. The work force...

Tort Liability in the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
During the past decade many have questioned the propriety of the doctrine of sovereign immunity; numerous legal challenges and legislative changes have eroded the doctrine in most states....

Shoulder Rumble Strips at Narrow Bridges
The highways in the United States have thousands of minimum design narrow bridges. Replacement of these bridges with current state of the art designs is not cost effective nor feasible...

Effects of Lane Width Reduction on Safety and Flow
This research dealt with the issue of lane narrowing as an alternative to pavement widening in providing safety improvements on urban freeways. This study dealt with I-95 in Miami Florida...

Performance of Highway Traffic Barriers
This paper describes an investigation of traffic barrier performance in New York State. A one-year sample of all traffic-barrier accidents in the state was obtained from Department of...

A Laboratory Investigation of the Undrained Small Strain Behavior of London Clay
Three different total stress-paths were followed during shearing of the anisotropic consolidated (CAU) tests: compression, extension and a stress-path simulating an element under a plate...





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