Ecological Risk Assessment of Proposed Deep Geologic Disposal of High-Level Nuclear Waste in Canada
Using population dynamic models of moose and brook trout, and assuming topographic, hydrographic and other habitat features typical of the Canadian Shield in Ontario, we have estimated...

Defending the Environmental Standpoint: A Report of the Work of Environment Canada in Assessing the Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Disposal Concept
Environment Canada, the Canadian environmental department, is participating as an intervenor in the federal environmental assessment of AECL's nuclear fuel waste disposal concept to ensure...

Mercury Porosimetry Studies on a Natural Fracture
Mercury porosimetry techniques were used to study the effects of stress on the capillary pressure characteristics of a single natural fracture. In addition, permeability measurements were...

Small-Scale Behavior of Single Gravity-Driven Fingers in an Initially Dry Fracture
Experiments investigating the behavior of individual, gravity-driven fingers in an initially dry, rough-walled analog fracture are presented. Fingers were initiated from constant flow...

Wetting Front Instability in an Initially Wet Unsaturated Fracture
Experimental results exploring gravity-driven wetting front instability in a pre-wetted, rough-walled analog fracture are presented. Initial conditions considered include a uniform moisture...

Assessing Fault Rupture Hazard for the Proposed Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Demonstration of a Methodology Using Expert Judgments
As part of the Electric Power Research Institute's High Level Waste (EPRI HLW) performance assessment, we have developed and demonstrated a methodology to estimate the magnitude and likelihood...

HWVP Compliance with the Hanford Site Solid Waste Acceptance Criteria
This report describes the Hanford Waste Vitrification project (HWVP), which will be located at the Haford Site. The Hanford Site encompasses a 560-mi2...

Tolerance Requirements for Remote Handling at the Hanford Vitrification Project
A new and innovative approach to installation of the many remote nozzles and electrical connectors that must be installed to demanding tolerances has been developed by the architect/engineer...

Simulating the Behavior of Natural Geological Systems: Sources of Uncertainty and Bias
Post-closure performance assessments are used, in conjunction with controlled laboratory experiments and observations on natural systems, to generate confidence that a radioactive waste...

Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Exploratory Studies Facilities Construction Status
This paper discusses the progress to date on the construction planning and development of the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) Exploratory Studies Facilities (ESF). The...

Application of Indicator Geostatistics to the Gorleben Data Set
This paper describes a trial application of Indicator geostatistical methods to borehole data from the Gorleben site. Indicator variograms have been estimated from the site data and fitted...

Functional Analysis: The Path to Effective Training
The regulatory requirements under which the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) operates mandate that worker proficiency be achieved and maintained. Individuals performing...

Project Control?The Next Generation
The Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) is the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) second largest Major System Acquisition Project. We have developed an integrated planning...

League of Women Voters Education Fund?Providing a Forum for Public Information and Participation
In March of 1992, the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) signed a five-year cooperative agreement with the Department of Energy (DOE) to provide American citizens with information...

GIS Reconstruction of Exposure to Water Supply Contaminants
Groundwater pollution resulting from improper waste handling practices in the aerospace industry contaminated the water supply in Tucson, Arizona. State and federal health officials concluded...

Seasonal Water Quality Management Given Sparse Data
An approach for designing robust seasonal water quality management programs for river basins with sparse or short flow records is presented. This approach uses Markov chain modelling and...

Groundwater Contaminant Transport at a Hazardous Waste Disposal Site, Pullman, Washington
Groundwater contamination at a hazardous waste site near Pullman, Washington is simulated by a numerical model. The aquifer at the site is classified as an unconfined valley aquifer. Solute...

The West Point Story?Chapter 1: Overview and Planning
The West Point wastewater treatment plant is the Seattle metropolitan area's largest wastewater treatment plant, and it is being upgraded to provide secondary treatment. The planning,...

The West Point Story?Chapter 2: Project Management Approach
In 1985, serving as the program lead, Metro contracted with Lewis Zimmerman Associates to conduct a formal facility planning effort for the West Point wastewater treatment plant. It was...

The West Point Story?Chapter 4: Design
Metro's approach to design was one of integrated environmental and plant design. The project team, with guidance from the community and the city's parks department, established goals before...





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