Protecting Dredged Material Containment Levees along the Houston Ship Channel
This paper describes the background, selection, installation, and performance of the three-dimensional woven geotextile used for erosion protection along 122 meters (400 feet) of levee...

Navigation Lock Improvements
All commercial barge traffic on the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway must pass through a system of locks designed and built in the 1930s and 40s. Many of the locks on these...

McAlpine Intake Model Study for Innovative Lock Design
The McAlpine Locks and Dam Project is located on the Ohio River near Louisville Kentucky. Construction of an additional 33.53-m-wide (110 ft) by 365.76-m-long (1200 ft) navigation lock...

Lake Number: A Long-Term Lake Water Quality Predictor
A seasonal maximum Lake number was found to be a good predictor for volume averaged water temperatures, maximum water temperatures near lake bottom, seasonal stratification characteristics,...

Results of a GIS/HEC-1 Interface Module
Great strives have been made in recent years to automate the S.C.S. curve number weighting process required for large-scale watershed modeling utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS)...

Modeling of Rattlesnake Creek Watershed Using Swat Model
Watershed scale models are widely used in design and operation of river basin projects and for guiding public decisions. This paper presents modeling details of Rattlesnake Creek watershed...

Changes in Ground Water?Surface Water Interaction in the Santa Ana River Caused by Independent Water Resources Management Activities
For the past 18 years, ground water artificially-stored in the Chino Basin, has been managed as a zero-interest bank account. Recent water resources management studies show that losses...

Upper Mississippi River System Environmental Management Program (EMP)
Introduction The Upper Mississippi River Navigation System (UMRNS) is one of the largest Public Works projects existing within the continental United States of America. The system, which...

Urbanization and Hydrologic Consequences in Simi Valley, California
Regressional analysis of historical hydrological data including rainfall and runoff data reveal that although there has not been a significant temporal change in the amount of rainfall...

Marine Engines Emissions for Vessels of the United States Coast Guard
A source testing project was conducted for a select class of ships of the United States Coast Guard (USCG). Pollutants quantified included nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur dioxide (S02),...

Suspended-Solids Flux at a Shallow-Water Site in South San Francisco Bay, California
Time series measurements of current velocity and suspended solids-concentration (SSC) made during December 1993 and March 1994 at a shallow-water site in South San Francisco Bay were used...

Stream Instability in Loess Base Channels
The incision of bess base stream channels is a common and destructive response to alterations within a watershed in the midwest. Monitoring and evaluating procedures are being performed...

Restoration of Abandoned Meanders on the Middle Fork Forked Deer River, Tennessee
The Middle Fork Forked Deer River in western Tennessee historically had a sinuous course within a wide floodplain. In the early 1900's, local interests dug large straight...

Optimization Modeling of Complex Surface Water Collection Systems
The New York City (NYC) water supply system is currently being modeled using Linear Programming (LP) optimization techniques. A series of simulations were performed to investigate the...

Flood Damage Estimates Using GIS Spatial Analysis
The catastrophic flooding in the midwest during the Summer of 1993 and in California in the Spring of 1995 resulted in flood damage estimates in the hundreds of millions to billions of...

Resolution of the ACT-ACF Water dispute with a Federal-State Partnership
A Comprehensive Water Resources Study, conducted in partnership with the States of Alabama, Georgia and Florida and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), represents an innovative approach...

U.S.-Canadian Water Sharing
The development, and an overview, of processes used to address water sharing between the United States and Canada are addressed. Transboundary waters between the two countries include...

Water Allocation on US/Mexico Boundaries
This paper provides a transboundary water sharing case study on the planning and management of Rio Grande waters in and around El Paso, Texas. The presentation also points out the diversity...

The Management Improvement Program: A Model to Improve the Performance of Irrigated Agriculture
In 1991, the USDA-Agricultural Research Service U. S. Water Conservation Laboratory (USWCL) and a coalition of federal, state, and county agencies initiated a project to develop and test...

Current Status of the Demonstration Management Improvement Program
Coordinated resource management programs have been developed and implemented in the Maricopa-Stanfleld Irrigation and Drainage District (MSIDD) area as a result of the Management Improvement...





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