Design of Pile Foundations
This handbook, Design of Pile Foundations, provides information on foundation exploration and testing procedures, load test methods, analysis...

A Program Architecture for Interactive Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Structures
This paper discusses a general object-oriented architecture for use in nonlinear dynamic structural finite element analyses. In light of the special issues surrounding such analyses, the...

Computer Methods Used on Seismic Retrofit Projects
Over a relatively short period of about twenty years, personal computers (PC's) have replaced slide rules in most engineering calculations. PC's are now staple equipment in every engineering...

Qualitative Formulation of Load Paths Through a Functional Description of Structures
The past few decades have seen major advances in computer tools to analyze complex structures and loadings. For the most part, these programs have focused on two areas - A, programs for...

Stress Analysis in Concrete with Cooling Pipes
A substructure method of finite element analysis is adopted in this paper to simulate heat transfer and thermal stresses in a concrete dam. The massive concrete structure is cooled by...

PDS: An Expert System for Distress Diagnosis of Flexible Pavements in Taiwan
Pavement distress diagnosis requires a significant amount of engineering judgement which is difficult, if not impossible, to be quantified. This is an excellent domain for the development...

An Application of Neural Networks to Hysteretic Modeling of Steel Structures
This paper describes an application of the neural networks to realistic hysteretic modeling. The neural networks learn from sample data (training cases) and make predictions for new cases....

Non-linear Analysis of a Cable Stayed Bridge
A concrete single-pylon cable-stayed bridge has been analyzed to investigate the ultimate capacity. Two different methods were used to investigate the nonlinear behaviour. First, a simplified...

Computer-Aided Guyed Tower Analysis for the Rehabilitation of TTI Tower, Baltimore
A large guyed television tower owned by Television Tower Inc. of Baltimore is currently being analyzed in order to evaluate the capacity of the tower to support additional broadcasting...

Deriving Alternative Structural Modifications Based on Qualitative Interpretation at the Conceptual Design Stage
Current computer tools provide little support in deriving alternative modifications based on qualitative structural interpretation of a conceptual design. This paper presents a behavior-based...

Reducing Ambiguity in Qualitative Reasoning
Qualitative reasoning derives the behavior of a physical system using a representation of the fundamental principles for the domain. In qualitative reasoning parameters are mapped into...

A Numerical Procedure to Compute Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations
A simple numerical procedure of calculation of bearing capacity of shallow foundation is proposed. This procedure employs the Terzaghi-Prandtl model of general shear failure. In this paper,...

Regional Stress Field Due to Water-Filling at Sanxia Dam
This paper uses the observed stress values to simulate the tectonic stress field in the reservoir. Based on the increment analysis method. we discuss the effects and variations of the...

Computer Aided Experiments for Truss Structures
It is quite difficult to investigate structural mechanical properties by full scaled structure experiments. Consequently, an experiment using a reduced scale model is generally performed....

Nonlinear Trial Load Method of Arch Dams
The trial load method is still an important method for the stress analysis of arch dams at present. However, the trial load method can be used only for the linear elastic analysis of arch...

Foundation Uniform Pressure and Soil Structure Interaction
The enclosed paper was presented in the ASCE, 8th Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering and published in its proceedings. One of its main assumptions was considering the foundation...

Simulative Calculation of Highrise Building Structure Under Vertical Loads
It is well known, the general structural stiffness and the vertical construction loads are formed storey by storey from bottom to top of the building especially for cast R.C. structure....

Secondary Member Contribution to the Behavior of Damaged Multigirder Highway Bridges
This paper examines the effects of secondary members (cross bracing and diaphragms) on the prediction of the response of damaged simple span steel multigirder bridges. Extensive analytical...

The Application of Gauss Numerical Integration Method in Arch Dam Trial-load Method Program
The characteristics of Gauss Numerical Integration Method are the unequal distance between nodes and fairly high accuracy. When the number of nodes is n, the algebraic accuracy can be...

TRACK(1.0): A Railroad Track Design and Evaluation Computer Program for Work Planning and Budgeting
This paper describes TRACK, a track structural analysis method and computer program developed by the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories. TRACK is a program for evaluating...





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