Spent Fuel Waste Form Characteristics: Grain and Fragment Size Statistical Dependence for Dissolution Response
The Yucca Mountain Project of the U.S. Department of Energy is investigating the suitability of the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain, NV, for a high-level nuclear waste repository. All...

Design Control Process Requirements for Geologic Repository Operations Area Design
This paper outlines U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) key regulations applicable to U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) design...

Design Control Overview fot the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Exploratory Shaft Facility
This paper presents an overview of the design control process used for the Exploratory Shaft Facility (ESF) at Yucca Mountain. Design and design control is a complex, often iterative,...

Performance Assessment in Early Phases of the Repository Design Process
Assessments of post-closure performance are an integral part of the design process for a repository for high-level nuclear waste. They provide input to the establishment of design requirements...

Design Considerations for the Yucca Mountain Project Site Characterization
The Site Characterization Facilities (SCF) to be located in volcanic tuff at Yucca Mountain is a challenge to manage, design, and construct. This challenge is a result of a number of factors....

Application of QA Grading to Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Items and Activities
Grading is the act of selecting the quality assurance (QA) measures necessary to develop and maintain confidence in the quality of an item or activity. The list of QA measures from which...

Design Reviews From a Regulatory Perspective
This paper presents views on the role of the licensing engineer in the design process with specific emphasis on design reviews and the automated information management tools that support...

Controlling the Description of a High-Level Radioactive Waste Isolation System
Control of large, complex, regulation-driven programs using traditional management methods has not been wholly effective. What is needed is a rigorous yet flexible method that is amenable...

Mechanical Anisotropy of the Yucca Mountain Tuffs
Three series of measurements were performed on oriented cores of several Yucca Mountain tuffs to determine the importance of mechanical anisotropy in the intact rock. Outcrop and drillhole...

Application of Discrete Feature Analysis to Repository Characterization
Rock mass heterogeneity plays an important role in the hydrologic and mechanical behavior of radioactive waste repositories. This heterogeneity is, in turn, strongly influenced by the...

Fractal Characteristics of Fracture Roughness and Aperture Data
In this study mathematical expressions are developed for the characteristics of apertures between rough surfaces. It shown that the correlation between the opposite surfaces influences...

Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Waste Package Plan
The goal of the U.S. Department Of Energy's (DOE) Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) waste package program is to develop, confirm the effectiveness of, and...

Gaseous Release of Carbon-14: Why the High Level Waste Regulations Should be Changed
The high-level nuclear waste regulations pertaining to gaseous release of carbon-14 from a repository should be changed to allow greater release, for several reasons. Some of them are...

Characterization of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste Glass for Hazardous Components
The Department of Energy's (DOE) responsibility to manage the nation's high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel requires compliance with a number of...

The Development Process for Unique Underground Equipment for Waste Handling
The Department of Energy (DOE) is currently planning to site, construct, and operate a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, for the disposal of high-level nuclear waste (HLW)....

Design and Operating Criteria of the French Deep Repository for High Level Radioactive Waste
The design and operating criteria of the French geologic repository for high level radioactive waste (HLW) were selected for their contribution to operational and long-term safety, as...

State Environmental Review of a Proposed Utility Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
This paper describes the environmental review process which was applied by the State of Minnesota to a proposed dry cask storage facility. An environmental analysis of the proposed project...

Standardized, Utility-DOE Compatible, Spent Fuel Storage-Transport Systems
Virginia Power has developed and licensed a facility for dry storage of spent nuclear fuel in metal spent fuel storage casks. The modifications to the design of these casks necessary for...

Concept Development of Small Cask to Large Cask Transfer Systems
Studies for EPRI have been performed by two contractors to develop conceptual designs for small cask to large cask transfers of spent fuel. From the work, two dry transfer concepts and...

Design & Operational Experience of the NUHOMS?-24P Spent Fuel Storage System
The NUHOMS Spent Fuel Storage System provides a safe and economical method for the dry storage of spent fuel assemblies either at an at-reactor Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation...





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