An Information Engineering Approach for Environmental Impact Assessment and Monitoring Program
Environmental impact assessment studies cover a number of activities for: data collection, data analysis, numerical modeling, system monitoring, and regulation compliance. The diversified...

Intelligent Design and Remediation of Shallow Landfill Burial Systems
The SLEUTH (Shallow Landfill Evaluation Using Transport and Hydrology) prototype decision support system (DSS) has been developed for design and remediation of shallow landfill burial...

The MOUSE Uncertainty Analysis System
MOUSE (Modular Oriented Uncertainty SystEm) is a Monte Carlo based simulation system designed to deal with the problem of uncertainties in Environmental engineering calculations, such...

A Decision Support System for Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Using a Distributed Model-GIS-DBMS Linkage
Methods were developed for directly linking the distributed parameter model, AGNPS with a GIS and a relational database management system (RDBMS) to investigate a nonpoint source pollution...

Selection of Earth Retention Systems Using Expert System
The development of the selection module in a knowledge-based expert system REtaining STructure EXpert (RESTEX) for automated selection, design and analysis of earth retention systems is...

Case-Based Design in the SEED System
We present the requirements for case-based design in a software environment to support the early phases in building design and outline an approach to satisfy them. We briefly discuss implementation...

FEM in a Design Code Environment
The results obtained from the use of finite element based analysis tools have created a new problem for designer: Which numbers do we use to check against Code limits? Most of the commonly...

Computer Applications in Structural Analysis and Design
The computer programs have been increasingly used in structural analysis and design to improve productivity. The computer applications in areas of automatic member and foundation design...

Evaluation of Software for Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
A study to verify the accuracy of two structural analysis and concrete design programs and to evaluate their functionality was conducted. The evaluation was based on a comparison of results...

A Goal Driven Approach to Discrete Event Simulation
Discrete event simulation is getting more attention as a tool for allocating construction resources. However, its usage is limited because it requires intensive knowledge in conducting...

Progression of Computer Applications in Water Supply and Distribution Systems
Over the last two decades, computer applications in water supply and distribution systems have advanced rapidly from the stand-alone applications in system modeling to the integrated platform...

A program for the Analysis of Pile Load Tests
The load capacity of piles are routinely determined from full scale pile load tests under actual field conditions. Several empirical methods were proposed for the analysis of field load/settlement...

A Computational Algorithm for Analysis of Rectangular Footings Under Partial Contact with Soil
This paper describes a method to determine the distribution of base pressures under a rectangular footing experiencing partial contact of the footing with soil. Assuming the footing to...

Computer Modelling of Comminuting Granular Media
Using generalized continuum mechanics, generalized damage theories for granular materials in comminution processes are proposed. The generalization is accomplished by treating the average...

Bridge Rating Using Influence Surface for Curved Bridge Structures
A fairly sizeable number of curved steel bridges in Louisiana need to be rated and influence lines required to be stored. A methodology is developed and rating procedures are established....

Computer Analysis of Continuous P/C Highway Bridge Girders with Variable Depth
A computational procedure and associated computer program were developed for the analysis and design of P/C continuous beams with variable depth. Using this program, continuous girders...

An Assessment of the Joint Factor as Used in the Modified MEXE Method
The finite element method has been used to examine the joint factor in the modified MEXE method which is documented in the publications (BD21/93 and BA16/93) by the Department of Transport...

A Speed Prediction Model for New Zealand Highways
This paper outlines a limiting speed model using probabilistic techniques to simulate the different types of vehicles and their performance along a two-lane rural highway. The road to...

Developments to the IRMA Model of AEC Projects
The rapidly advancing fields of information technologies (IT) for AEC and computer-integrated construction (CIC) rely on the ability to represent and exchange information about AEC projects...

Design and Implementation of a Database for Seismic Evaluation of Structures
The seismic evaluation of large structures, such as bridges, requires a comprehensive framework for managing the data. An evaluation typically involves the dynamic analysis of a number...





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