Seasonal Water Quality Management Given Sparse Data
An approach for designing robust seasonal water quality management programs for river basins with sparse or short flow records is presented. This approach uses Markov chain modelling and...

Application of Computer Support for Water Quality Management
A Computer-Aided Support System for operation of the QUAL2E-UNCAS river water quality model has been developed for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coastal Region....

Graphics User Interface for Water Quality Model Calibration
The UC Davis Water Resources Modeling Group developed a unique Graphical Use Interface (GUI) in the Microsoft Windows environment to facilitate use of the stream mode QUAL2E for the Russian...

Research Needs in Water Resources Planning and Management
When the WRPMD was formed, expectations about research were high, but in this new era we must reexamine the role of research. The greatest policy need for the water industry is institutional:...

Remarks on Computer-Use History in Water Resources
Over the past 50 years, use of electronic computers has radically changed water resources engineering practice. It has enhanced capabilities, reduced costs and improved reliability. It...

Evolving Institutions for Managing the ACF Basin
The ACF basin is a case of interstate conflict in resource management. This study looks at the planning underway with regard to mechanisms for managing the basin....

Water Management by Endangered Species
In California, water management decisions are being driven by endangered species considerations. Traditional project formulation and operational criteria seemingly are unimportant. The...

Innovation and Diversification?The Key to our Future Water Supply
Water resources management must modernize, innovate, and diversify to meet the challenges of tomorrow: reliable water supply sources of acceptable quality, a cost-effective approach to...

Local Agency Regulation: The Policies and Process of Surface Water Protection
King County, Washington, adopted a Surface Water Design Manual in January 1990. This manual, which has served as a resource guide in developing similar manuals throughout the Pacific Northwest...

Ag-To-Urban Water Transfer in California: Win-Win Solutions
Water transfers from farms to the cities are widely viewed as the next major source of supply to urban California. Ag-to-Urban permanent water transfers may have negative consequences...

Real-Time Water-Control System for the Trinity River, Texas
To provide information for improved flood prevention and control in the Trinity river basin in Texas, we developed a real-time water-control system that (1) retrieves rainfall and streamflow...

A Watershed Approach to Water Quality Criteria
Water quality has been managed historically using water quality criteria implemented through the NPDES permitting process. Many water bodies have water quality better than that defined...

Ground Water Management Standards and Protection Tools
Once local goals and objectives for ground-water protection have been defined, wellhead protection areas delineated, sources of contamination inventoried and assessed, management techniques...

A Planning Strategy for Safe Drinking Water Act Compliance
This paper presents a simple planning strategy for drinking water utilities that will allow them to move ahead with system upgrades and specific regulatory compliance programs even though...

National Study of Water Management During Drought Results Oriented Water Resources Management
This paper provides an overview of a four year national study of water management during drought and builds a foundation for the other papers in this mini-symposium. The primary objective...

The James River Case Study
The James River was selected as a case study for the National Drought Study because it provided an example of an Eastern (riparian) river basin with relatively little storage, increasingly...

Including Expert System Decisions in a Numerical Model of a Multi-Lake System Using STELLA
During the drought of 1988, water users in the Kanawha River, West Virginia, became painfully aware of conflicting uses that have developed since the 1970s. A numerical modeling of the...

Bringing People, Policies, and Computers to the Water (Bargaining) Table
Droughts have been defined terms of hydrometeorological terms; however, a Water Control Manager realizes that droughts are also a function of demands. During the drought of 1988, water...

Citizen Participation in Water Supply System Planning and Management
The Water Supply Citizens Advisory Committee (WSCAC) is a unique citizens group. Although it is funded by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), it has a paid staff who are...

Water Resources Management Issues Confronting Developing Countries
Water resources planning, development and management in most of the developing and rapidly developing countries have been driven by consumer interest. The rapid urbanization, industrialization,...





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