Studying Water System Operation by Computer
Computer modeling can greatly improve the planning and operation of water systems at relatively low cost. Time-dependent water system models can be used to refine improvements to a water...

CADD: Getting the Right Fee
For those engineering consultants who use CADD systems on government cost-plus fixed-fee contracts, the author sugests establishing a CADD cost center that includes all costs involved...

Micros Can't Stand Alone
Unlike mainframes, which usually come as turnkey systems, microcomputers require separate accessories. Add-ons for micros include storage devices, memory boards, video boards, communication...

Yesterday's Mainframe, Today's Desktop
Low cost, high powered engineering computer work stations are now within the economic reach of every small engineering office. While 8-bit computers can solve engineering problems, better...

Itaipu, South America's Grande Dame
When fully operational, the Itaipu hydropower project, located along the Parana River between Brazil and Paraguay, will be the world's largest. In 1989, it is expected to...

Retaining Walls: Competition or Anarchy?
Until the last 10 years, when a retaining wall was needed a cast-in-place concrete gravity or cantilever wall was used. Then along came Reinforced Earth, and this proprietary system began...

Financing and Charges for Wastewater Systems
A general overview of the current practices and procedures that should be considered for financing and charges for wastewater collection and treatment systems is presented. The publication...

Mandatory Continuing Education: A Legislative Myth?
The case against state enforcement of continuing education for engineers is presented. It is argued that engineers who wish to remain competitive and successful in their field will seek...

Arizona's Statewide Pavement Management System
A pavement management system developed for Arizon's 7400-mile network of highways has resulted in a savings of $14 million in its first year and a forecast savings of $101...

New Wastewater Process Cuts Plant Costs 60%
By combining the aerator and the clarifier into one basin, this new wastewater treatment process can slash capital costs up to 60% and operating and maintenance costs up to 45%. Raw sewage...

Georgia's Low-Cost Approach to Rehabilitating Concrete Pavements
A six step approach to rehabilitating concrete pavements is described. The six steps are: (1) Slab stabilization; (2) slab replacement, where necessary; (3) repair of spalls; (4) resawing...

Is There a Bid for Services in Your Future?
Selection of architect/engineer firms based on price in addition to qualifications is apparently here to stay. Those in favor of competitive negotiation say that it prevents corruption,...

Pavement Management Systems: Selecting Maintenance Priorities
Realization of the need to maintain a safe, serviceable network of highways in the US has led to the development of a systematic, consistent procedure for managing resources necessary...

Express Buses: Private Sector to the Rescue
Declining subsidies and rising costs are endangering express bus services which have been highly successful in competing with the private auto. A system concept with private carriers operating...

The Transportation Utility
Every property, including undeveloped lands, benefits from access provided by public roads. Funds for maintaining these roads have been squeezed by rising costs and competition from other...

Managing for the Eighties
In a period where fiscal constraints will mandate a new approach to managing limited financial resources, serious consideration must be given to developing new strategic policies relating...

Economics of Regionalization
This report investigates some of the arguments for and against regionalization of systems in the water supply industry. The history, potential advantages, disadvantages and costs and benefits...

1981 Essay Contest Winners
The fourth and fifth prize essays in Civil Engineering Magazines 1981 Essay Contest are Alan Mooney's Have we abandoned our responsibility to nurture young engineers? and...

A Cost-effective Shallow Foundation Accommodates Three Feet of Settlement
An automotive maintenance facility to be built at the Anacostia Naval Station in Washington, D.C. had two major foundation problems: the probability of large settlement and the possibility...

What Type of Sewer Pipe is Best? Life-cycle Cost Analysis Yields Answer
In the past, many engineers have selected the type of sewer pipe for a particular project based mainly on a comparison of initial costs of concrete, steel, and other types of pipes. This...





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