Technology Transfer to Developing Countries
The author describes three types of technology transfer programs that have been found to be effective in hydraulic engineering and other engineering disciplines and cites examples of how...

Probabilistic Calculation of Design Floods?SPEED
The probabilistic calculation of design floods was initiated in the 60s to overcome statistical calculation uncertainties. SPEED takes up and expands this original concept in the form...

Stormwater Infiltration Design Based on Rainfall Statistics and Soil Hydraulics
When comparing stormwater infiltration with other methods for stormwater drainage an appropriate design procedure is necessary. The method proposed for future Danish guidelines is based...

Design and Analysis of an Irrigation Pond Using Urban Stormwater Runoff
Stormwater held in detention ponds can be reused for irrigation. A simulation of a mass balance on pond storage volume using rainfall and evaporation data for selected areas is presented...

Streamflow Forecasting for the Bradley Lake Project
The National Weather Service (NWS) uses a suite of software called NWS River Forecast System (NWSRFS) for operational river stage and streamflow forecasting. NWSRFS is a modular system...

Next Generation HEC Catchment Modeling
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) is developing next generation computer models to replace those in current use. The next generation Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) is an object...

Model Structure Validation in Groundwater Modeling
Structure equivalence models (SEM), a new concept in groundwater modeling, have been developed to assist in groundwater planning and management. Using SEM, the engineer is able to satisfy...

Sacramento Drainage Manual?Hydrologic Procedures
For a period of over two years, HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR) and HYDMET have been working with the City and County of Sacramento to develop a Drainage Manual. This Manual contains seven...

Sacramento Hydrologic Procedures Interim Adoption
In November 1989, the County and City of Sacramento jointly undertook the development of a manual for the design of drainage and flood control facilities in the region. Significant technical...

Linear Pertubation Model: An Application to Tanzanian Catchments
Floods are still a problem to many countries in the world todate. Floods do cause damage to property and sometimes loss to human life. Flood control measures by structural and non-structural...

Large Flood Plains Modeling by a Cell Scheme: Application to the Pantanal of Mato Grosso
The computational modeling of large flood plains presents difficulties related to the mathematical approach of the phenomenon and also to the discretization of the area under study. In...

A Frost Protection Design for Fruit Trees in Southwest Colorado
The project explores the feasibility of producing commercial quantities of fruit in the high and arid environment of Southwestern Colorado by using low-volume water delivery systems for...

Computerized Irrigation Project Earthwork Design
A procedure was developed to perform earthwork optimization and land-leveling design for irrigation projects using aerial photogrammetry, a microcomputer and civil engineering computer...

A Framework for Integrating NPS Pollution Prevention and Optimal Perennial Groundwater Yield Planning
Water management agencies are responsible for protecting and guaranteeing the sustained availability of groundwater of adequate quality. The presented procedure helps determine water Best...

Design and Management of Evaporation Ponds
The evaporation ponds in use in the San Joaquin Valley were designed and constructed to dispose of agricultural drainage water in a region of low soil permeability and high water table....

Stable Slopes of Alluvial Channels
An alluvial channel responds to the variation in the incoming sediment by changing its cross-section and especially the slope. Regime relations formulated by Lacey (1930) and many subsequent...

Testing of Outlet Works Emergency (Guard) Gates Under Unbalanced Head Conditions ? Background and History
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has responsibility for ensuring the proper operation, maintenance, and safety of over 300 dams and reservoirs throughout the 17 Western States. Storage of...

Development of Test Procedures for Unbalanced Head Operation of Slide Gates
This paper will discuss the steps taken by the Bureau of Reclamation to develop a standardized procedure for testing unbalanced head operation of high-pressure slide gates for outlet works...

Testing Outlet Works Gates and Valves at USBR Dams Under Unbalanced-Head Conditions: Tieton Dam Unbalanced-Head Gate Test
The Tieton Dam outlet works installation geometry is the most common type used in U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) earthfill dams. An emergency guard gate is located in a gate chamber...

Testing Outlet Works Gates and Valves at USBR Dams Under Unbalanced Head Conditions: Close-coupled Guard and Regulating Gates at Yellowtail and Flaming Gorge Dam
Part of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) program for unbalanced testing of outlet works guard gates and valves at its dams involves testing facilities with 'close-coupled' guard and...





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