Ice Forces on Port Structures Resulting from Moving Ships
Results are described of experiments carried out in Thunder Bay Harbour in March, 1984, to measure ice forces on a port structure. Ice forces were measured by installing five pressure...

Structural Considerations for a Radwaste Facility
The structural engineer needs to consider several criteria when designing a radioactive-waste processing facility in order to properly balance the requirements of safety and economy. This...

Nuclear Power Plant Delays: Probable Causes and Resolutions
The nuclear power industry in the United States is experiencing technological as well as construction and operation problems in nuclear facilities. It is the intent of this paper to review...

A Model for Nuclear Waste Shipping and Storage
A management option for spent fuel assemblies from nuclear power plants is storage in away-from-reactor (AFR) storage facilities. The purpose of this paper is to preseent a new mathematical...

Oconee Spent Fuel Rerack
Spent fuel storage problems facing electric utilities with nuclear generation are growing more critical as existing spent fuel storage capacity is utilized. Due to the inaccessibility...

Mixed Use, Mixed Materials
Tabor Center is a $330 million office/commercial/hotel complex in Denver's urban renewal area. The two block site is bisected by a street that had to be kept open during construction....

MBTA Red Line Extension Operating Plan
Completion of the MBTA's 3. 2 mile Red Line Rapid Transit Extension is scheduled for 1985. When completed, the seven year 574 million project will add three new stations to...

Electric Utility Noise Emissions
Environmental regulations require that impact statements for new electric utility and industrial power plants include an evaluation of noise emissions. Variations in equipment sound power...

Environmental Noise Control for Industrial Facilities
The authors present a brief discussion of the criteria used to evaluate environmental noise control problems. Then, they discuss environmental noise control in the power, petroleum, gas...

Site Selection and Building Design for Minimizing Vibration
Over the last five to ten years, line resolutions required for state-of-the-art semi-conductor wafers have dropped to well below 1 micron. As a result, controlling environmental building...

A Tale of Six Cities
Battle Creek is a four mile urban stream that had an erosion problem that was accelerating with urbanization of its watershed. Erosion created unstable ravine slopes over 60 feet high,...

Reshaping the Future of Plastic Buildings
Plastic structures have been around for 40 years, but have for the most part been showcases with little use in the mainstream of the building industry. To be used effectively, plastics...

A Methodology for Optimal Network Design
A methodology is developed to optimize the design of water distribution networks using reduced gradient techniques with a network simulator. The problem is reduced in complexity by incorporating...

Characterization of Indoor Carbon Monoxide Levels Produced by the Automobile
Integrated air samples were obtained at seven small and six large service stations and two dealerships. These establishments were sampled during cold and warm weather operations for eight...

Reuse of the Brooklyn Waterfront
The New York District of the Corps of Engineers, under the New York Harbor Drift Collection and Removal Project, is in the process of removing unused and dilapidated piers along a portion...

Designing the Fisherman's Wharf Area, San Francisco Harbor Breakwater
The Fisherman's Wharf Breakwater Project stands out as an example of a complex structure requiring the planning and design talents of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE)...

The Tunnel That Transformed Philadelphia
The 1985 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement is the Center City Commuter Rail Connection, a 1.7 mile tunnel connecting two former stub-end railroad stations in Philadelphia. The...

LAX Engineers Beat the Clock
Foreign and domestic crowds flying in for the Olympics were no problem for the Los Angeles Airport (LAX), thanks to the expansion and improvements completed a month earlier. LAX more than...

Microcomputer Applications in Flood Management
Historically Salt Lake City has been subject to flooding from spring snow melt runoffs. Even though the volume and the rate of runoffs were similar during both years, the 1984 runoff created...

Denver Auraria People Mover
A discussion of a specific Urban Transportation solution to a major automobile parking problem at the Auraria Higher Education Center in Denver is presented. A special focus as to the...





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