Prediction of Scour Depth Under Armoring Conditions
A simple procedure is proposed to compute scour depth on an alluvial bed having graded materials under flow conditions which produce armor layer at the bed surface. The procedure is based...

Response of Advanced Composite Space Materials to Thermal Cycling
In addition to microgravity and lack of atmosphere, the space environment provides intense radiation of both penetrating and nonpenetrating types. This paper focuses on the cyclic radiational...

Crossing A Freeway
The Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle is being constructed on air rights spanning Interstate-5, adjacent to the seven acre Freeway Park that also spans the highway....

Albemarle-Pamlico Sounds: Issues, Resources, and Management (abstract)
The Albemarle-Pamlico Sound complex, located in northeastern North Carolina, is the third largest estuarine complex in North America and the second largest in area in the United States....

Reclamation of Athabasca Oil Sand Sludge
The bulk of oil sand tailings (80 to 90%) consists of quartz sand, which is defined to be everything coarser than 44 microns. The other 10 to 20%, termed 'sludge',...

Analysis of Plastic Soil in Contact with Cavitose Bedrock
A numerical analysis has been conducted to evaluate the stress deformational response of highly plastic soils in contact with cavitose Bedrock. The numerical idealization represents the...

Hydraulic Structures on Piles
Many hydraulic structures built in the early 1900's were founded on piles. Today, when these structures are analyzed as 'pile-supported', the analyses...

Consolidation of Slurried Soils
This paper describes the use of large strain consolidation theory and centrifugal modelling to study the consolidation behavior of slurries. Laboratory testing of the slurry is needed...

Techniques for Measuring Flow and Sediment Parameters Near the Bed in Estuaries
The collection of accurate and meaningful field data is often the key to successful description and prediction of natural processes. The U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station...

Nonhomogeneous Terms in the Unsteady Flow Equations: Modeling Aspects
A study is in progress to identify the relative significance, effects, and benefits attributable to the use of one-dimensional, unsteady, open-channel, flow-simulation models employing...

Mechanics of Embankment Erosion During Overflow
Thousands of dams built in the United States have a potential to be overtopped by flood flows. It is necessary to understand the mechanics of embankment erosion in order to evaluate the...

Vegetal Protection of Embankments and Spillways
Recent advances in the application of tractive stress to the design of grass-lined open channels are used to develop a tentative procedure for analyzing the hydraulic performance of vegetated...

Refined Modeling to Estimate Sediment Discharge
Numerical solution of the two-dimensional turbulent flow over a train of identical dunes is obtained with the Algebraic Stress Model for closure. The effective tractive force acting on...

Prediction of Deformations Due to Heat Curving
This paper summarizes the state of the art in the thermal deformation techniques. Alternate analytical methods are described. The limitations and accuracy of these models are noted, and...

Evaluation and Surveillance of Concrete Bridge Structures
A number of cost-effective techniques are available for evaluation and surveillance of concrete bridge structures. The methods covered in this paper include: long-term bridge instrumentation,...

The Behavior of R/C Pinned Bridge Columns under Lateral Loading
Four one-eighth scale one-way hinge details of the type used in highway bridges were tested to study the effect of combined shear and flexure caused by lateral loads. The aspect ratio...

Combined Finite Difference/Finite Element Analysis for Soil Structure Interaction
A method for the analysis of buried structures subjected to stress transients is presented. The method combines the finite difference and finite element techniques to provide the analyst...

On Steel Connection Data Bank at Purdue University
The aim of the establishment of the steel beam-to-column connection data bank program at Purdue University in 1986 was to provide the necessary data base for the determination of the moment-rotation...

Practical Analysis of Flexibly-Connected Building Frames
Modeling of flexible connection behavior as elastic-perfectly plastic is proposed for analysis of building frames, and results based on this idealization are compared with fully non-linear...

Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Rail Steels
As new premium alloy rail steels exhibit increased wear resistance and as track lubrication is used, the failure mode for rails is shifting from wear to fatigue. Elastodynamic finite element...





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