Radar for Flood Forecasting-Reservoir Operation
The A&M Watershed Model will soon be capable of improved weather radar supported real-time flood forecasting and reservoir operations. Improvement in the scheme for inputting radar...

Two-Parameter Synthetic Unit Hydrograph for Microcomputer Application
A regression model was developed for estimating the unit hydrograph for ungaged watersheds. The model uses physical characteristics of the drainage basin to predict the parameters needed...

Urban Stormwater Investigations by the U.S. Geological Survey
Urban stormwater hydrology studies in the U. S. Geological Survey are currently focused on compilation of national data bases containing flood-peak and short time-interval rainfall, discharge...

Pressurization and Depressurization in Pipe Flows
When a closed conduit drainage system is subjected to variable inflow rates, the change in flow regimes between free surface flow and pressurized flow may take place. A rising hydrograph...

Exfiltration Trench Design as Part of a Stormwater Management Plan
The paper discusses a program structured to assist the design consultant or the agency reviewer by means of a menu driven format. A flood routing microcomputer program developed by the...

SCS User-Defined Storm Hydrograph (SCS-USH)
The Soil Conservation Service User-Defined Storm Hydrograph (SCS-USH) has been developed to provide engineers and regulatory officials with a simple microcomputer tool for defining design...

A Quick Micro-Computer Urban Runoff Model
The Penn State Direct Hydrograph Model PSDH described in this paper uses watershed and rainfall data to generate a synthetic unit hydrograph and a runoff hydrograph, both gamma-distributed....

Electronic Worksheet Applications in Hydrology and Hydraulics
Spreadsheet software packages are available for virtually all micro computers in use today. Although they are quite often thought of as business tools, their usefulness as engineering...

Computer Management Concepts for Student Engineering
This paper presents many of the principles and concepts being taught to engineers of the future concerning their use of computer related activities. For example, from the cost/risk/benefit...

Encouraging and Controlling Use of Automation
Judicious use of automation can greatly enhance the productivity of an engineering staff. Integration of multiple computing processes with technology such as plotting, digitizing, total...

Shallow Seismic Exploration in Soil Dynamics
Methods of shallow seismic exploration of soils are continually developing and evolving. Advances in techniques and equipment for performing crosshole and downhole tests, new data on interpretation...

Microcomputer Software Support at the State Level
This paper describes a case where the organizational approach to microcomputer control was taken and contrasts the results with optimal individual systems within the group. In this context,...

Field Data Collection for Traffic Studies
Microcomputer applications have emerged in all areas of traffic data collection, reduction and utilization. They have done much to improve the productivity and credibility of the data...

Evaluation of Before and After Traffic Conditions
A microcomputer program to evaluate the before and after traffic conditions of a highway project is described. An overview of the evaluation methodology used in the design of the program...

Site Impact of New Developments
Traffic studies which relate to specific development projects and their impacts are becoming a major part of transportation planning practice. Rapid suburbanization of development has...

Application of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Micro-Computer Based Quick Response System (QRS) Software to the Analysis of a 200 and 400 Acre Comprehensive Plan Change From Residential to High Tech Land-Use
The purpose of this study was to identify major changes in traffic volumes and generally the transportation implications caused by changing the Comprehensive Plan on a large area in the...

Database Systems in Transit Management
This paper describes the use of microcomputer database managers by transit operators. The findings are based on a survey of transit operations of various sizes in the southwest U. S. in...

Surveying's New Promise: Centimeters from Space
One centimeter accuracy at far less cost than surveying by traditional methods is promised by the Global Positioning System (GPS). Signals from NAVSTAR satellites are received by two or...

Can Digital Terrain Data Cut Route Selection Time?
The use of photogrammetry in the collection of digital terrain and the use of a computer to process data is not being used to its fullest. Use of these two tools together increases access...

Trends in Small Computer Utilization
In an effort to determine the extent to which micro and minicomputers have been successfully implemented by construction contractors, the authors compiled a comprehensive questionnaire...





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