Artificial Ground Water Recharge in Southern California
This paper presents an overview of past, present, and future ground water recharge practices and looks at future plans in Southern California. Types of sites discussed include basins,...

Infiltration Wells in the Lakes Around the Future Markerwaard Polder
Drainage and reclamation of the Markerwaard polder in the Netherlands may cause damage to buildings and infrastructure in the eastern part of North-Holland because of subsidence. Drawdown...

Deepwell Infiltration in the North-Holland Dune Area
Deep well infiltration now generally is considered the cue for the future extensions of artificial ground water recharge in or outside the dunes. The Provincial Waterworks of North-Holland...

Planning Now for Irrigation and Drainage in the 21st Century
The theme for the conference was Planning Now for Irrigation and Drainage in the 21st Century. Many of the regions of the Country are experiencing water supply declines and/or increasing...

Selenium Threatens Irrigators, Wildlife
Irrigation drainage water has seldom been treated to remove pollutants, but it soon will be treated in California. Drainage from a large portion of the San Joaquin Valley must be treated...

The Road to Drained Pavements
In California, a fast-draining base course within the pavement structure is now the preferred design. For the first time, the 1987 edition of the California Highway Design Manual recommends...

A Call for New Directions in Drilling and Sampling Monitoring Wells
The hollow-stem auger drilling technique has an inherent limitation of disturbing large volumes of subsurface materials around the borehole, thereby possibly affecting local permeabilities...

Techniques for Delineating Subsurface Organic Contamination: A Case Study
Selection of techniques to detect and map subsurface organic contamination depends on the type of source, contamination, and hydrogeologic setting. Ideally, an investigator, manager, or...

Best Management Practices for Point and Nonpoint Sources of Groundwater Contamination
Management strategies have included regulations to guide or limit development in aquifer recharge areas and in the capture zones of public wellfields, engineering requirements to minimize...

The Delineation and Management of Wellhead Protection Areas
The delineation and protection of a management zone around specific wells or wellfields will undoubtedly become more common as the 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act are implemented...

Satellite-Tracked Buoy Activities in Saudi Arabia
During the pollution threat on the Gulf caused by the collapse of the NOWRUZ oil field well in February 1983, the Meteorology and Environmental Administration (MEPA) established an Oil...

Spatial and Temporal Variability of Drilling Reserve Pit Fluids on the North Slope (abstract)
Reserve pits are constructed in connection with drilling activities to provide a convenient and safe disposal site for waste drilling muds and cuttings. During the winter months at Prudhoe...

Ocean Space Encompassed by Oil and Gas Activities
The implications of exploratory and production drilling depth records from 1947 to the present are considered in terms of ocean area involved and coastal management. Technological changes...

A Survey of Selected Arctic Petroleum Drilling Locations in the Alaskan Coastal Arctic Region (abstract)
There exists in the central coastal region of arctic Alaska, a number of drill site locations which were used to explore for oil and gas in the 1960's and 1970's....

The DST Well: Its Importance and Lessons Learned
A Deep Stratigraphic Test (DST) well is a unique source of stratigraphic information; and provides critical data on drilling conditions, logistics, materials; and subsurface conditions...

The Nushagak-Mulchatna Rivers Recreation Study
The Nushagak/Mulchatna River drainage was one of two geographical areas identified in the Bristol Bay Coastal Management Program as meeting the criteria for placing a specific area under...

Arctic Wetland Losses: When Should Compensation be Required?
The paper discusses problems facing biological impact assessment and mitigation planning for petroleum exploration and oilfield development on the Arctic Coastal Plain or North Slope of...

Oil and Fisheries?Conflict or Cooperation
The Grand Banks of Newfoundland are one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The proposed Hibernia oil field development will impact on this resource. Recommendations have been...

Optimum State Strategies Regarding Oil and Gas Exploration and Development on the Outer Continental Shelf
In anticipation of the federal oil and gas lease initiative, the Washington Department of Ecology selected the consulting firm Cogan, Sharpe, Cogan of Portland, Oregon to conduct an OCS...

Can Alaskan Caribou and Oil Development Coexist?
The coastal area near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska is becoming increasingly industrialized as oil development continues. This same coastal area is an important area to a caribou herd known as the...





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