Inter-Agency Cooperation for Coastal Protection
The complexity of the problems pertaining to the degradation of coastal waters is such that no single agency can adequately regulate and manage all activities that affect the water quality...

Still More on Japan's Inland Sea Coastal Citizens' Movements
This paper is the third in a continuing series of reports on the battle of Japan's coastal citizens in that nation's largest estuarine water body, the famed Seto...

Farming the Sea: A Youth Education Mariculture Project
The Farming The Sea program was born in response to a crisis situation that currently faces Long Island baymen, and in a desire to assist baymen while involving local youth in a community...

Oilfield Development vs. Waterfowl in Arctic Alaska (abstract)
The newest oilfield in Alaska is the Lisburne field under development by ARCO Alaska, Inc. , Standard Alaska Production, and Exxon. The Lisburne field is completely surrounded by the older...

Chronic Marine Pollution: A Maine Case Study
The State of Maine has adopted the concept of cumulative impact in assessing the environmental impact of coastal development projects and resulting discharges to coastal waters. In the...

Barbers Point, Oahu, Hawaii Deep Draft Harbor Monitoring Program
The deep draft harbor at Barbers Point, Oahu, Hawaii is located on the south side of the island. The 92 acre harbor basin is a product of over 25 years of planning and engineering. The...

A Comparative Framework for Understanding Estuary Governance: Theory and Examples
The University of Rhode Island is conducting a three-year interdisciplinary study funded by Sea Grant to describe and compare the conditions, uses and experience of governance in four...

Modelling as a Tool for Analysis and Assessment of North Sea Pollution
This paper briefly describes the analysis of pollution inputs into the area considered and the application of modelling techniques to quantify the hydrodynamics and related transport phenomena...

Current Research Efforts in Determining the Effects of Tributyltin Use in Marine Paints in the Chesapeake Bay Estuary
In the mid-seventies, manufacturers of marine paint began to use a tin-based biocide called tributyltin or TBT. TBT has been found to be very effective in slowing the biofouling process....

Use of Fish Liver Pathology as a Tool for Environmental Assessment (`siabstract)
Despite the recognized value of fish liver pathology as an environmental assessment tool, little guidance is available on the design and interpretation of such studies. Proper study design...

A Regional Screening Method for Classifying Pollutant Status of Coastal Waters
A regional assessment method has been developed to classify estuaries on the basis of their pollution severity, enabling resource managers to prioritize clean-up and future research efforts....

A New Approach to Watershed Planning
Public and government concern over possible degradation of water quality and natural resources in the Hood Canal estuary has led to the creation of a unique intergovernment body, the Hood...

Resolving Permit Conflicts in Oregon's Coastal Zone
Oregon has a complex system of federal, state and local government agency planning and permitting in its coastal zone. The policies, standards and permits of these agencies frequently...

Multiple-Interest Problem Solving at Cascade Ranch
The State Coastal Conservancy successfully resolved a series of related coastal resource issues in the Cascade Ranch project in San Mateo County on the California coast. This project,...

Dispersion of Coal Particles at the Sea Floor
Due to coal unloading, certain quantities of this material arrive at the sea floor, and may pollute the beaches. This study provides a theoretical analysis and numerical simulations of...

Forecasting Currents in Coastal Waters
A service for current and temperature forecasts has been developed for the coastal waters along the west coast casts has led to several improvements. Future modeling efforts are expected...

Practical Application of Acoustic Doppler Profilers
This paper discusses the advantages and limitations of the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), and it reviews some of the experience gained to date with the ADCP relevant to currents...

Water Quality Management in Coastal British Columbia
The coastal environment of British Columbia is managed under both federal and provincial authority. The split between federal and provincial jurisdiction in the coastal zone involves several...

An Assessment of the Soft Approach to CZM
During the early development of the national coastal zone management program there was no federal prescription with regard to how coastal states should proceed in establishing their programs...

Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay?Issues, Resources, and Management
The major pollutant discharges into Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay can be categorized as follows: municipal discharges, sewage sludge, combined sewage overflows (CSOs), individual...





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