Uprating Francis Turbines Provides Additional Energy
The use of existing powerhouse, penstocks, dams and unit configuration, all provide for a quick cost effective method to increase output from an existing turbine installation. This paper...

The Twlefth Street Project?Multiple Uses on the Falls of the James River
This paper is about a hydroelectric project that was not built. The project is located in Richmond, Virginia on the James River. Project civil works, water rights and adjacent land are...

The Lowell Hydroelectric Project: A Case Study
The Lowell Hydroelectric Project, located on the Merrimack River in Lowell, Massachusetts, consists of an existing dam, canals, and turbine generating equipment presently operating at...

Negotiating Environmental Protection Measures with Resource Agencies: Twin Falls and Weeks Falls Hydroelectric Projects, Washington
The planning and licensing process for the Twin and Weeks Falls Projects involved resolution of numerous regulatory and environmental issues, including the need for cumulative impact analysis...

Run-of-River Controller for Hydro Plants
New York State Electric and Gas Corporation has installed programmable run-of-river (ROR) controllers at five of their plants. Each of these plants has either two or three units with installed...

Public Involvement Strategies: A Case Study in Citizen Participation
Literally millions of dollars are wasted every year because authorized and funded water projects are stalled in court, hung up in administrative proceedings, or delayed while the project...

Small-Hydro Development and Public Decisionmaking
This paper is based on a larger study (Soden, 1985), and employs concepts distilled from public choice theory - an increasingly well-accepted approach to the study of public policy and...

Planning for Small-Scale Hydroelectric Development: A State Response
A 'surplus' of power in the Pacific Northwest region of the country has brought with it a declining interest in the generation of new electrical energy supplies....

Effective Coordination With Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Recently the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) expanded the role communications play in dealing with Fish and Wildlife Agencies. In March of 1985 the FERC publication #FERC-0100...

Determination of the Effects of Multiple Small-Scale Hydroelectric Projects on Resources in a California River Basin: A Matrix Approach
In 1983, Section 306 of the Energy and Water Appropriation Act required the FERC to conduct a comprehensive water resource analysis in the Upper San Joaquin River Basin, California. A...

Resolving Environmental Conflicts During Licensing?A Case History
Vischer Ferry and Crescent Dams are located on the lower Mohawk River near Albany, NY. In September 1982, the Power Authority of the State of New York filed license applications with the...

Gas Bubble Disease in Trout Below a Low Dam
Research and efforts to reduce nitrogen supersaturation which is affecting trout in the Bighorn River, Montana, below Yellowtail Afterbay Dam is described. Nitrogen supersaturation can...

Fish Studies for a Small Hydroplant in Michigan
The Morrow Lake hydroelectric project is a new facility which is scheduled to become operational in August 1985. A study has been developed consisting of two main parts: Potential change...

Simulation of the Pit 3, 4 and 5 Hydroelectric Project Using the USFWS Instream Temperature Model
The Pit River in Shasta County, California, is the site of the Pit 3, 4, and 5 Project (Project). A two-year Bald Eagle and Fish Study was initiated in March 1983. As part of the overall...

U.S.-China's Cooperation in Unified Resource Development
This paper reports on activities between China and the United States involving exchange of technical expertise and project development. The paper focuses on how unified resource development...

HydroMAX; Computerized Hydropower Scheduling
The New England Power Exchange (NEPEX) is currently using the HydroMAX Program to schedule daily hydropower operations for the 17 stations in the 11,250 square mile Connecticut River Basin....

Hydro System Enhancement: TVA's Comprehensive Hydropower Program
The Tennessee Valley Authority's Comprehensive Hydropower Program is systematically identifying opportunities for increasing hydroelectric generation in five areas: small...

Independent Review of Truman Dam Operation
The Truman Dam in Missouri was constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers in 1979 as a pumped-storage facility. Due to fishkill and other controversies, the pumpback feature of the project...

Impacts of Indexed Sequential Hydrological Modeling on Hydrogeneration Capacity Estimation
Indexed sequential modeling (ISM) has been proposed by the Western Area Power Administration as an alternative approach to developing firm marketable capacity (i. e. , project dependable...

Computer Modeling for a Power Intake
This paper describes the application of an existing computer model to respond to environmental requirements for a small scale hydroelectric power plant being developed by Allegheny Electric...





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