Living with a Macintosh in an IBM World
The Macintosh computer is widely praised for several characteristics: high resolution graphics, common program user interface, user friendliness including extensive use of a mouse, and...

Review of the Nation's Water Resources Infrastructure Needs
Also published in Infrastructure and Marketing in Water Resources...

Sewer Rehabilitation?Metro Chicago
After a number of public hearings in the late 1960's and early 1970's which focused on sewer backup problems in the Sanitary District's separate...

Rehabilitation Strategies for Urban Drainage Systems?A European Perspective
Rehabilitation of urban drainage system is needed in many old European cities. This is in part due to the required structural upgrading of the existing sewerage system. But rehabilitation...

Water Distribution Systems Analysis Package
A computer software package for water distribution systems analysis has been developed for the city of Fort Worth, Texas, to overcome the problems of time consumption and human error,...

An Analysis of Hourly Water Use in Austin, Texas
While it is possible to calculate water use over a fairly short period of time, this only yields a single value for peak use. It does not give a comprehensive understanding of the frequency,...

Water Distribution Network Calibration Considering Multiple Loading Conditions
Through time a water distribution network's carrying capacity is reduced as material collects on pipe walls. The impact varies with each pipe in the system and occurs at an...

Methodology for the Optimal Reliability Based Design and Analysis of Pumping Systems for Water Distribution Networks
A methodology has been developed for the optimal (minimum cost) reliability based design of pumping systems. Two computer simulators, a reliability simulator and a hydraulic simulator,...

Optimal Pump Operation Using Nonlinear Programming
This paper focuses on the operational control problem of determining the optimal pump operation policy for a given distribution system. The optimal pump policy is defined as that schedule...

Trends and Emerging Issues: A Longitudinal Study of Government Agencies' Perceptions of Great Lakes Water Resources and Related Issues
The perceptions of government agencies with jurisdiction over Great Lakes' shoreline has changed over time with respect to important issues related to water quality and a...

The Remedial Action Plan for the Fox River, Wisconsin
The nature of and need for Remedial Action Plans (RAP) in 42 areas of the Great Lakes is reviewed with special attention given to the Fox River and Lower Green Bay area. A brief historical,...

Regional Assessment of Pumpage in Southeastern Virginia
A U.S. Geological Survey investigation was conducted, in cooperation with the Virginia Water Control Board, to analyze the hydrogeology and groundwater flow system in the Coastal Plain...

Hydrogeology of a Barrier Island System, Nags Head, North Carolina
The purpose of this research was to understand the dynamics of the water table prior to the start of municipal pumping and to predict the effect that the pumping would have upon the water...

IWR-Main?Version 5.1?An IBM-PC or Compatible Water Use Forecasting System
The IWR-MAIN water use forecasting system is a sophisticated and flexible computer program designed for estimating and forecasting municipal water requirements. The IWR-MAIN system is...

CADD Applications in Water Resources Design
CADD can provide substantial benefits, in terms of speed and ease of revisions, in the design of civil engineering projects, including water resources facilities. However, current design...

Water Assurance Districts: A New Concept in Local Government
Society has long utilized local governmental units to implement numerous water management functions. This paper discusses a new and relatively unique local organizational structure now...

Water Supply Critical Areas
Due to the serious overuse of groundwater resources which has led to the continued decline of the potentiometric surface of certain aquifers below sea level, and to real and potential...

Master Plan of a Reclaimed Water System
Arizona cities are under a state mandate to reduce water consumption as a result of the 1980 Arizona Groundwater Management Act. Since reclaimed water use is not included in the overall...

Instituting Increasing Block Rate Pricing as a Water Conservation Measure
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the benefits of an increasing block rate pricing policy as a water conservation measure. By changing the pricing structure, demands will change...

Conflict Management Task Committee Approach
The Task Committee on Conflict Management (coordinated by the Social and Environmental Objectives and Impacts Committee, WRPMD), was established to develop guidelines for use by water...





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