Agricultural Drainage Water?How Should It be Regulated?
This paper discusses the existing framework of California liquid waste disposal law, the obstacles presented by these and other laws pertaining to agricultural drainage water disposal...

The Animas-La Plata Project Cost Sharing Agreement
The United States Congress required a cost-sharing agreement between the project beneficiaries and the Federal government. Under this agreement of June 30, 1986, the project will be constructed...

Economic Benefit of Irrigation on Beef Ranches
Drought can result in forage shortages leading to possible liquidation of the breeding herd. Liquidation is often at depressed prices, and replacement may be at elevated prices. In this...

Winery Wastewater Land Application
Winery wastewater is characterized by low pH, relatively high BOD, and a low nutrient content. Land application using rapid infiltration basins has been practiced successfully at a number...

Management Challenges Affecting Agricultural Reuse of High-Strength Food Processing Wastewaters
Land treatment of high-strength food processing wastewaters is a viable pollution control technology. Due to the high-strength characteristics of these wastewaters, effective site management...

CWSI and Stomatal Resistance of Cotton and Soybeans
A new instrument, Scheduler(TRADEMARK), has been developed to measure the onset and duration of plant water stress. This device consists of a sensor package (containing an infrared thermometer,...

Steady State Fluid Transport Model for Plants
Knowledge of water potentials throughout the xylem and phloem elements as well as in individual cells is fundamental for understanding effects of water and temperature stress on transport...

Satellite Remote Sensing for Regional Crop Inventories
LANDSAT 4 and 5 Satellite spectral images of the Columbia Basin were obtained during the 1984, 1985 and 1986 growing seasons by Cropix, Inc. of Hermiston, Oregon. A field classification...

Crop Yield Models Adapted to Irrigation Scheduling Programs
A crop yield model (CRPSM) was adapted to match the data obtained with typical irrigation scheduling programs. Daily soil water content was calculated from weather data, crop growth stage...

California's Dam Safety Program?The Development of Hydrology for Dams (abstract)
California's water code provides for supervision of dams and reservoirs with regard to protection of life and property. This code is administered by the Department of Water...

Irrigation with Reclaimed Wastewater?Recent Trends
Land application of municipal wastewater is a well established practice in California. Much of the reclaimed municipal wastewater (57%) in California is used for irrigation of fodder,...

Evaluation of Corroded Steel Bridges
In the United States there is a large inventory of corroded steel bridges. The evaluation of these existing bridges is difficult when considering all the uncertainties involved in deterioration....

Steel Plate Girder Alternate I-10/I-17 Interchange
The scope of the Phoenix I-10 Viaduct allowed extensive study for the optimization of this moderate span steel plate girder bridge. The value engineering studies lead to the use of the...

Three Automatically Erected Folding Spans
The U. S. Navy has identified three rapidly erected bridges. Each is capable of spanning 400 feet (120 m) with a 70 ton (63 tonne) live load at mid-span. Each will also fold into a 15...

Rehabilitation of the SF Calawah River Bridge
The failure of a 4-span reinforced concrete bridge in Washington State initiated a study that ultimately led to a unique method of bridge rehabilitation. Severe scour resulted in settlement...

Measures Against Wind-Induced Vibrations of Bridges
The design of very flexible structures, such as long-span steel bridges, are frequently governed by wind-induced vibrations. This paper introduces the present situation of the cable-supported...

Wind Buffeting of Cable-Stayed Bridges During Construction
Some of the dominant loadings on a cable-stayed bridge during construction are a result of the non-uniform vertical and horizontal gust forces on the deck and the associated dynamic response...

Development of a Double Tee Structural System for Highway Bridges
The fully precast, prestressed double tee beams are tied together by transverse post-tensioning through simple grout filled V-joints. The system provides for complete transversal continuity...

Innovative Approaches to Bridge Pier Foundation Design
As a part of a Value Engineering change proposal the pier foundations for the US-31 bridge over the St. Joseph River and floodplain near Niles, Michigan were re-designed. The varying soil...

Wind Tunnel Aeroelastic Model Study of the Baytown Bridge (Steel Alternative)
Analytical and full bridge aeroelastic model studies performed to assess the aerodynamic stability of the steel alternative Baytown Bridge over the Houston Ship Channel are described....





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