The International Network: A Solution for Marine Protected Area Management
The Marine and Estuarine Management Division in cooperation with the U. S. Man and the Biosphere Program and other international organizations sponsored the International Marine Protected...

Restoring of Butcher's Slough Estuary?A Case History
A 30-acre parcel of former lumber and plywood mills occupying original estuary and salt marsh wetlands on the northern edge of Humboldt Bay, Humboldt County, north coastal California,...

Hurricane Damage Mitigation Planning
A variety of responses are available to reduce or mitigate the destructive forces of hurricanes. This paper is a summary of the plans developed for Long Island to help prepare the coastal...

A Primer on Permit Conditioning
The use, development, and protection of coastal, ocean, and marine resources is highly dependent on the various permits issued by local, state, and federal regulatory agencies. Thousands...

Using the CoastalEcological Landscape Spatial Simulation (CELSS) Model for Wetland Management
A spatial simulation model was constructed to help understand the historical changes in the Atchafalaya/Terrebonne marsh/estuarine complex in south Louisiana and to project impacts of...

Changes in Development Design Along California's Coast as a Result of California's Coastal Program 1973 to 1987
California's coastal program has attempted to encourage and, where necessary, require designs which take into account a proposed development's immediate and surrounding...

Emergency Shore Protection
Emergency shore protection usually requires design and construction to be completed in a 2 to 3 week period. Emergency shore protection measures at Surfside and Ventura, California required...

A Railway Protection?Coastal Structures on Tyrrehenian Calabrian Coastline
The stretch of Calabrian coastline facing the Tyrrehenian Sea has for many years undergone severe erosion, exposing the Battipaglia-Reggio Calabria railtrack to the direct action of waves....

Ocean Erosion Control for the Private Sector
The paper describes some procedures of design and construction of riprap type protective structures to contain ocean erosion and to provide an end product that both gives protection and...

Environmental Mitigation Techniques for Marina Development
The paper discusses a coastal design process entitled 'Design by Mitigation'. It describes a series of mitigation measures and techniques which can be used to...

Innovations in Dredged Material Disposal in Puget Sound
This study, known as the Puget Sound Dredged Disposal Analysis (PSDDA), is building on a strong history of federal/state cooperation within Washington which is unique in the United States....

Protocol for Deep Ocean Disposal Monitoring
Deep ocean sites are presently being considered for the permanent disposal of wastes. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in conjunction with other agencies, is mandated to monitor...

Assessment of Beach Nourishment Methodoliogies
Although artificial beach nourishment has become a common practice for mitigating beach erosion in the U. S. , it lacks clear rationales for achieving optimum benefits. Four recent large-volume...

Coastal Zone Management Practices, Northwest Brittany, France
Over the entire coast of Brittany, three government programs have sponsored over 81. 9 million francs (6 ff equals US1, approx. ) of coastal-related programs since 1968. Projects vary...

Sea Level Changes: A Corps of Engineers Perspective
The purpose of this discussion paper is to review current Corps of Engineers policy in relation to a possible significant increase in general sea level. A significant relative sea level...

Site Characterization for Waste Disposal
Site selection is one of the key decisions in waste management. Site selection involves a conflict analysis which considers various engineering factors including geotechnical, as well...

Pollutant Transport Through Barriers
Methods of predicting contaminant transport through saturated and unsaturated clayey barriers are reviewed. Particular consideration is given to the relative importance of advection and...

Hazardous Waste Landfill Cap System Stability
Pursuant to the regulatory requirements for control of rainfall infiltration into a hazardous waste landfill, a cap design that is impervious plus stable is required. The intent of a cap...

Geotechnical Properties and Landfill Disposal of FGD Sludge
Extensive test data from more than a decade of research are compiled on the geotechnical engineering properties of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) sludges with emphasis on double alkali...

Shallow Ocean Disposal of Contaminated Dredge Material
The contaminated dredged materials from harbors and waterways along heavily populated coastal areas such as Connecticut must often be disposed at shallow ocean sites. To isolate the contaminants...





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