Expert Systems in Construction Management: Microcomputer Application
Microcomputer based expert systems will assist construction industry by: changing the construction manager's role from day-to-day decision making to strategic planning and...

A Knowledge Based Technique for Structural Component Design Programs
Traditionally, computer programs written for the purpose of sizing and checking standards compliance of individual structural members have been authored in high level compiled languages...

A Demonstration Expert System to Aid in Assessing Groundwater Contaminating Potential by Organic Chemicals
An expert systems approach to evaluating mobility and degradation of organics in soil systems is compared to conventional programming techniques. An expert system has been developed in...

UNIX: Its Promise and Its Problems
AT&T's computer operating system, UNIX, has long been considered the answer to the transportability, training, and non-uniformity problems of modern computer operating...

Construction Resource Analysis Using Symphony
In 1983, the Air Force was directed to commence engineering design of a small, single warhead ICBM for potential deployent in the early 1990's. As construction agent for the...

Microcomputer Expert Systems for Welded Construction
Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation has developed expert systems including various applications within the field of welded construction. Systems have been developed in the...

The Local Area Network in an Engineering Office
During the past several years, the St. Paul District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, has purchased a variety of computer equipment. In late 1985, the District solved the problem of communication...

Commercially Available Workstation Networks
Twelve commercially available local area networks are compared, transmitting variously over optical fiber, twisted pair and cable. Throughput, tunability, cost and ease of use are discussed,...

Microcomputer-Based Engineering Expert Systems
Expert systems may be developed by programming an inference mechanism and knowledge representation module, or by using commercially available expert system building tools (shells). The...

Selection of Computer System
To buy a system is a major decision undertaken by the user. It has major impact on the financial and the manpower aspect of the company. To enable the user to arrive at a rational decision,...

Selection of Software
Software selection is an important consideration as part of implementation of computer system. Various factors involved in the selection process are described. To determine whether the...

Management of Microcomputer Systems
This paper is primarily concerned with the day-to-day management of microcomputer-based systems before, during, and after acquisition. Topics covered include areas overlooked by organizations...

An Interactive Model for Project Planning and Scheduling
This paper presents the development and use of an interactive, microcomputer-based model for project planning and scheduling. The model is general enough to handle both deterministic (CPM-based)...

Experiences with Rapid Computerization in Educational Institutions
Rapid computerization in educational institutions, such as establishment of departmental computer facilities, requires realistic planning to implement and incorporate the new capabilities...

Westway - The Little Word that Killed the Big Highway
The Westside Highway Project, better known as Westway, received a construction permit on February 25, 1985 from the Army Corps of Engineers. Signed by the author, the permit was invalidated...

Three Inexpensive Land Use Allocation Techniques
The current thrust in transportation planning is to make use of manual and microcomputer techniques for providing quick-response travel estimation. In this context, matching land use techniques,...

The River Walks of San Antonio Move to Providence
At the historic heart of Providence, Rhode Island, three rivers divide the city into three areas. Nearly one mile of river corridors have been abused over the last century, resulting in...

Workshops on Research and Future Activities Needs
During the conference, a questionnaire listing proposed topical areas was given to participants, along with instructions to indicate their first three preferences and to propose additional...

Super and Parallel Computers and Their Impact on Civil Engineering
This publication contains four papers on the use of super and parallel computers in the practice of civil engineering. The first paper shows how large nonlinear systems of equations, such...

Downtown Traffic Goes Down Under
Seattle's 1980 employment population of 124,000 is expected to jump to 150,000 by 1990. This will mean more commuter traffic and more mass transit coming into the city's...





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