Development of a Computer Aided Decision Process for Channel Rehabilitation and Watershed Enhancement Techniques
To assist the engineer in planning and design of channel stabilization measures, an expert system (CADWET) was developed using a commercially available expert system shell program. The...

Equivalence Between Regular and Irregular Waves in Movable-Bed Models
Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate various irregular wave parameters to determine which provides the best match for the regular wave parameter used to develop design guidance....

Prototype Measurements of Flows Induced by Navigation Tows
Present projections of growth of commerical navigation traffic indicate that annual tonnage per tow and/or number of tows will continue to increase through the foreseeable future. In order...

Pump Selection Program and a Better User Interface
Numerous highly innovative computer solutions to engineering problems are of little use to the practicing engineer because these programs are not supported by adequate user interface....

Compact Pump Sump Design
This paper details the design criteria chosen to construct a pump sump within several on-site constrictions. The physical size restrictions of the site necessitated the construction of...

Hydraulic Analysis for the Shot Tower Subway Station Beneath the Jones Falls
The objective of the hydraulic analysis is the formulation of a strategy to safely accommodate the construction of the Shot Tower Metro Station beneath the existing Jones Falls. The hydraulic...

Comparison of Flush and Chamber Mounted Dynamic Pressure Transducer
Modeling of hydraulic structures often includes the measurement of dynamic pressure fluctuations. The accuracy of the pressure measurements depends upon the geometry of the tap. Flush...

Two-Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of the Flooding Characteristics in Kawainui Marsh, Hawaii
This paper summarizes the results from the calibration and application of a two-dimensional finite element model capable of simulating the complex circulation characteristics of Kawainui...

Secondary-Flow Correction for Depth-Averaged Numerical Models
An empirical equation is proposed for the production and transport of secondary (streamwise) vorticity induced by lateral curvature in shallow water. The streamwise vorticity creates a...

Application of Weakly Compressible Flow Method to 2-D Open Channel Flows
The depth averaged equations for open channel flows are shown to be similar to that of the weakly compressible flows. The finite volume scheme developed for weakly compressible flows has...

Numerical Computation of Free Surface Weir Flow Using Isoparametric Finite Elements
Numerical computation of flows with a free surface boundary involves three problems in one: the internal flow problem, location of the free surface and the actual flow rate. The development...

Computation of Sediment Transport Resulting From Snowmelt and Rainfall in a Sierra Nevada Watershed
Erosion within a watershed can cause extensive damage to the land and adjacent properties. It is a common problem throughout the United States, and has become severe in many areas of the...

Redondo Beach King Harbor Model Studies, California
Redondo Beach King Harbor frequently experiences damage when large winter waves occur in conjunction with high water levels. Damages consist of revetment failure, land erosion, flooding,...

Physical Model Study of Navigation Conditions
This paper describes a physical model study performed to assess the impact of increased flows from a redeveloped hydroelectric generating station on the ability of pleasure boats to navigate...

Model Study to Design a Small Intake
A 1:4 scale model was used to design the make-up water intake structure for Burrillville Combined-Cycle Power Plant, Ocean State Power Project. The objective of the study was to assure...

Low-Head Drop Structure Hazards: Modeling of an Abrupt Drop Boat Chute
Low-head drop structures are dangerous for navigational and recreational boating in rivers. In an effort to reduce drowning hazards at low-head river drop structures, a boat chute bypass,...

Hydraulic Modeling of Boating Hazards and Sedimentation?Union Avenue Dam, Denver Colorado
Hydraulic jump type energy dissipators are a hazard to recreational boaters. Many white water boaters have been trapped in 'reverse roller' hydraulic jumps. Numerous...

Characteristics of Flow Pressure Pulsation and Similitude Law of Model
As described in this paper, the characteristics of flow pressure pulsation and similitude law of model are derived from experiments on some prototype dam and serial scales models....

Numerical Modeling of Irregular Hydraulic Jumps
In its simplest form a hydraulic jump characterized by an abrupt increase in the water surface elevation from a depth less than the critical depth, Dc,...

Practical Applications of 2-D Hydrodynamic Modeling
Two-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling capability has greatly impacted the hydraulics community and significantly altered the approaches to design and analysis of open channel systems....





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