Selfweight Consolidation of Very Soft Clay by Centrifuge
This paper reports a series of selfweight consolidation tests and their analysis by Mikasa's consolidation theory. The tests covered a coastal reclamation project and the...

Yield Behaviour and Consolidation. I: Pore Pressure Response
This paper discusses the frequency of occurrence of anomalous consolidation behaviour. The behaviour of soft clay is discussed briefly in terms of the effective stress path/yield envelope...

Yield Behaviour and Consolidation. II: Strength Gain
In Part I it was shown that in situ yielding of soft foundation clays significantly affected consolidation behaviour and that yield could be defined using the effective stress path/yield...

Instrumentation Performance in Soft Clay Soils (A Case History)
In 1978, IDEAL BASIC INDUSTRIES, INC. initiated construction of a cement manufacturing plant located south of Mobile, Alabama on the Theodore Ship Channel. Because deltaic clays were too...

Sedimentation and Self Weight Consolidation of Dredge Spoil
Test results suggest that self weight consolidation begins when an interface forms in the settlement column and the slurry reaches a critical concentration as a result of the solid particles...

Repairing New York's Historic Bridges
The Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges are just two of New York City's venerable structures that are undergoing rehabilitation. Current work on the Brooklyn involves enlarging...

Charlotte Harbor Beach Nourishment
The project consisted of dredging approximately 300,000 cubic yards (229, 380 cubic meters) of material, utilizing a seagoing hopper dredge, from the entrance channel of Charlotte Harbor,...

Offshore Dredging - Is it still Cost Effective for Beach Restoration?
Offshore dredging has been the source of sand for beach restoration in southeast Florida since Broward County constructed the first project in Pompano Beach in 1970. However, with increasing...

Dredging Developments in the Canadian Arctic
The use of dredges in the Canadian Arctic in connection with oil exploration programmes has lead to the adaptation of existing and adoption of new techniques. Further development is required...

An Offshore Mound Constructed of Dredged Material
The concept of using dredged material to intentionally construct an underwater mound was tested and confirmed at the Dam Neck Disposal Site, 4 miles offshore Virginia Beach, Virginia....

Upland Disposal of Dredged Material at Liberty State Park
The development of a State Park along the waterfront of Jersey City, New Jersey, immediately to the west of the Statue of Liberty National Monument, required the reshaping of the existing...

Sediment Recycling for Beach Nourishment, Sandy Hook, N.J.
Maintenance dredging of Ambrose and Sandy Hook Navigation Channels provided acceptable sand for nourishment of the critical zone at Sandy Hook, Gateway National Recreation Area, to protect...

Hydraulic Uncertainty in Risk Analysis
Considerable effort has been expended in defining and evaluating hydrologic uncertainties; however, the analysis and evaluation of hydraulic uncertainties has received little attention....

Dynamic Reliability Models for Hydraulic Structures
In addition to the determination of capacity and layout of hydraulic structures under normal design, one other important but related task that faces engineers is the evaluation of reliability....

Reliability Analysis as Reflected from the Fourth International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics
Reliability analysis is perhaps one of the most practically important branches of the general field of stochastic hydraulics. Its potential applications include quantitative evaluation...

Coping with High and Low Pressures of Transient Flow
Conditions exist in most long distance water pipelines, such that abnormal but inevitable occurrences will cause transient flow. Often the most crucial conditions for consideration by...

The Design and Construction of the Bartletts Ferry Labyrinth Weir Spillway
The discharge capacity of the Bartletts Ferry Project has been increased 165 percent by the addition of a labyrinth weir spillway. The hydraulic design was based on a published design...

Instruments Detect Dam Movement During Construction
Recent attention has been given to retrofitting electrical generation facilities at existing dams. Maintaining a safe structure during construction, and accomplishing this within a budget...

Flow and Scour Patterns around Gabion Structures
There is a need for simple, inexpensive and effective means for streambank protection and fish habitat enhancement. Initial results are presented of laboratory research on the performance...

Willamette River Adjustments to New Spur Dikes
Severe bank erosion has caused recent local losses of up to 30 ft (9 m) per year of prime agricultural land along a half-mile (800 m) reach of the Willamette River, Oregon. The U. S. Army...





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