Radioactive Materials Packaging Standards and Regulations?Making Sense of it All
Numerous regulations and standards, both national and international, apply to the packaging and transportation of radioactive material. These are legal and technical prerequisites to practically...

Public Involvement: Keystone to Public Confidence in the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
The barriers to public confidence in the safety of high level radioactive waste facilities can only be overcome by encouraging meaningful participation by the public in the decisionmaking...

Where's The Rabbit? Translating Science and Technology
Scientists and engineers must translate their 'Expertese' - their specialized languages - into words and ideas their different audiences can understand. The success...

Educating American College Students on Issues Associated with the Isolation of Radioactive Wastes
A successful college-level course has been developed on issues associated with high-level and low-level radioactive waste. It emphasizes the background science. It has been taught to 150...

Public Communication and Participation Activities in Siting Controversial Facilities in the United States and Western Europe: An Examination of Lessons Learned
The authors of this paper conducted a comprehensive review of literature discussing the siting of controversial facilities in the United States and Western Europe in order to identify...

Public Concerns of Nuclear Waste Issues in Taiwan
Opinions and comments from randomly selected 1837 general public and 454 professionals are compiled and analyzed to obtain their concerns on nuclear waste issues in Taiwan. Results indicate...

On-Site Representation and Oversight: A Special Role for the State of the Nevada and Nye County in the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
The on-site representation and oversight provision of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (NWPA), as amended, represents a continuation of a longstanding trend toward State and local...

Managing Local Socioeconomic Impacts Through Project Management Policies Concerning Subsidized Transportation, Site Access, and On-Site Housing
The Department of Energy (DOE) has a legislative mandate to avoid, minimize and mitigate any adverse impacts to local communities resulting from activities at the Yucca Mountain Repository...

The Transportation Operations System: A Description
A system engineering approach is being applied to organize and develop relations among the people, hardware, and software of the Transportation Operations System (TOS), which will be a...

Development of Transportation Operations Requirements: Operations Planning
Transport conditions at various utility sites vary dramatically in terms of characteristics at and near the site, requirements, administrative procedures, and other factors. Continuation...

Identification of Facility Constraints That Impact Transportation Operations
As Federal Waste Management Systems (FWMS) receiving facilities become available, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) intends to begin accepting spent nuclear fuel from U.S. utilities...

U.S. Department of Energy Motor Carrier Evaluation Program
The U.S. Department of Energy-Headquarters (DOE-HQ), Transportation Management Division (TMD) has the overall responsibility to provide a well-managed transportation program for the safe,...

MRS Systems Study, Task F: Transportation Impacts of a Monitored Retrievable Storage Facility
The passage of the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1987 (NWPAA) modified the basis from which the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) had derived and developed...

Development of Rail Access to the Yucca Mountain Site: Technical and Publc Issues
The Yucca Mountain site, located on the southwestern edge of the Nevada Test Site (NTS), is an undeveloped area under investigation as a potential site for high-level nuclear waste (HLW)...

Optimal Route Selection for High Level Nuclear Waste Transport Based Upon Radiological Risk
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate route optimization based directly upon the minimization of radiological risk as computed from local conditions. An operational impact analysis...

The SKI Regulatory Strategy and Performance Assessment Program in Relation to Final Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Waste
Important steps are planned to be made during the 1990s in the Swedish program for final disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive wastes. Site selection will be done in...

PAGIS & PACOMA: Performance Evaluations of Deep Geological Disposal. Results and Conclusions
Two coordinated research projects were undertaken by the Commission of the European Communities to study the safety performances of geological radwaste disposal systems in the post-operational...

A Proposed Methodology for Validating Performance Assessment Models for the DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
The Department of Energy (DOE) has developed a draft methodology for validating performance assessment models that will be used in the licensing of high-level waste repository systems....

Initiating Event Identification and Screening for Nuclear Waste Repository Preclosure Risk Assessment
This paper describes a method to identify potential initiating events that might occur during the preclosure phase at a nuclear waste repository proposed for the Yucca Mountain area of...

Preclosure Safety Analysis for a Prospective Yucca Mountain Conceptual Design Repository
A preliminary probabilistic risk assessment was performed for the prospective Yucca Mountain conceptual design repository. A new methodology to quantify radioactive source terms was developed...





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