Ocean Incineration?A Burning Issue (With Emphasis on the Sea-Surface Microlayer)
Ocean incineration of hazardous wastes has been encouraged by the Environmental Protection Agency. Many scientists as well as other citizens are concerned that potential impacts have not...

Ocean Incineration and the Coastal Zone
Despite over ten years of incinerating liquid hazardous wastes in the North Sea, the scientific community and the public continue to raise serious concerns about the effectiveness of this...

Institutional Constraints to Coastal Zone Management: A Case Study of Hawaii (abstract)
The problems that plague Hawaii's coastal zone management are primarily the result of 'institutional' factors, some of them rather unique. These...

Marine Policy and the States
Increased conflict between the states and federal government over offshore activities, cuts in federal support for ocean programs, and the New Federalism rhetoric of the Reagan administration...

Port of Eastport, Maine: A Growing Breakbulk Cargo Port (abstract)
The Port of Eastport accommodated over 90,000 tons of international waterborne trade in 1986. In 1980, this trade-related port operation was non-existent. A Cargo Facility Economic and...

Comparing Coastal Spheres in Oregon and Washington
This paper introduces the concept of a 'coastal sphere' and illustrates its use by applying it to two such spheres located in the Pacific Northwest. A sphere...

Ports and Harbours Towards 21st Century in Japan
Targets of the 'Ports and Harbours Toward the 21st Century' program for port and harbour development and improvement include: Target I, Creation of comprehensive...

Study on Space Reorganization of Urban Port Areas
In this study, particular attention is paid to GRAY ZONE which was actively utilized as a port in the past. The GRAY ZONE may conceivably play a role to advance reconciliation between...

Ocean Dumping at Akutan: Impact of Policy on Decisions
The role of policy in management decisions is often overlooked by the general public during the decision-making process because of the public's greater interest in the environmental...

Domestic Sewage Disposal Pribilof Islands Small Diameter Ocean Outfalls
This paper presents aspects of planning, permitting, design, and construction of two unique small diameter ocean outfalls for the Native Alaskan Villages of Saint George and Saint Paul,...

Should We Use the Open Ocean to Ease Pressure on the Coastal Zone?
This paper proposes a framework for analysis of issues arising from the prospect of deep-ocean dumping of wastes. While it takes no stand on the issues themselves, it examines the motives...

Combating Coastal Pollution in Ghana
Studies conducted along the Gulf of Guinea in Ghana have shown that the coastal environment in some places is polluted. Efforts made to combat this problem have so far not been effective...

Resolving Marine Pollution Data and Information Needs with a Federal Network
Coastal zone managers and decision makers continue to show a need for timely data and information products to support their decisions on coastal matters, whether they be environmental,...

Nourishment of San Luis Beach, Galveston Island, TX
It has been proposed that one way of stopping shoreline retreat and protecting the foot of the Galveston Seawall is to nourish the complete length of the beach in front of the Seawall....

Marina Planning with Geographic Information Systems
Water dependent coastal land uses including recreational boating facilities are being displaces by water enhanced uses. Coastal policy decisions designed to address these trends suffer...

Wetlands Analysis for Lower San Francisco Bay (abstract)
In a study funded by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in cooperation with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), seventeen 1:24,000 scale maps using U. S. Geological...

National Wetlands Inventory Mapping for San Francisco Bay/Delta Area, California
The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Wetlands Inventory Project (NWI) completed wetland mapping in 1982-83 for the San Francisco Bay/Delta area of California using mid-1970's...

Integrated Disposal Studies in San Francisco Bay
The United States Army Corps of Engineers is studying the accumulation of dredged material at the Alcatraz Disposal Site in San Francisco Bay. Alcatraz was chosen for aquatic disposal...

Sand Bypass System at Oceanside, California
This paper describes the design and development of an experimental sand bypassing and channel maintenance system using jet pumps and fluidizers. The system was developed as a possible...

Cause and Elimination of the Deflation Zones Along the Atlantic City (New Jersey) Shoreline
After recent construction of several large hotels and apartment buildings directly fronting the Atlantic City boardwalk, large blowouts were observed to occur during the winter season...





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