China's Ertan Hydroelectric Project
Ertan will be a major hydroelectric project on the Yalong River in China. The project consists of a 240 m high arch dam, two tunnel spillways, an overflow spillway, mid- and low-level...

Dam Rehabilitation and Fish Lift Design at the Pejepscot Hydroelectric Project
The rehabilitation work on the existing rockfilled timber crib dam comprised an assessment of the existing dam stability; analysis of the existing hydraulic conditions to establish the...

J. C. Boyle Hydroelectric Project Spillway Model Study
The J.C. Boyle Hydroelectric Project is an 80 MW facility near Klamath Falls, Oregon. The project consists of a concrete canal, tunnel, parallel penstocks and two Francis turbines. Upstream...

Spillway Crest Development through Model Testing on Chenderoh Ambursen Dam
The Chenderoh Hydroelectric Project on the Perak River in Malaysia was placed in service in 1930. The hollow Ambursen dam was modified in 1944 by the additions of a concrete cap with flashboards....

Licensing the Moose River Hydroelectric Project
This paper describes environmental considerations in the licensing and permitting of the Moose River Hydroelectric Project, a 12.2 MW development in Central New York State. It illustrates...

Effects of the Environmental Approval Process on Project Scheduling and Economics
The environmental approval process is fundamental to the permitting of hydropower projects. Recent changes in permitting requirements has had a significant effect on the cost and schedule...

Negotiating with State and Federal Fish and Wildlife Agencies
The Federal Power Act of 1920 (Act), as amended by the Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986, requires that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, in order to adequately and equitably...

Overview of EPRI's Hydro Program
The near term objective of the Electric Power Research Institutes (EPRI) Hydro Program is to provide practical and easily used research results and industry guides in the areas of dam...

Fishery Assessments at Hydroelectric Projects Using Electrofishing, Nets, and Hydroacoustics
Assessments of fish population and entrainment were made at a hydroelectric generating station and spill dam on the Ohio River. By combining complementary sampling techniques, full assessments...

Managing the Columbia River to Meet Anadromous Fish Requirements
According to northwest fishery agencies and Indian tribes the protection for juvenile salmon and steelhead is not adequate. The Northwest Power Planning Council, formed as the result of...

Radio Telemetry as a Tool for Fisheries Mitigation
Monitoring discrete fixed locations requires automated receivers and data loggers while manned, mobile receivers are more suited to general movement or habitat studies. Of the three tagging...

Hydropower and Fish Passage Impacts
The Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Act) of 1980 formed the Northwest Power Planning Council, which establishes criteria and sets goals for developing future...

Tailwater Management for Beneficial Uses
Tailwaters can provide significant benefits for recreation, fisheries, assimilative capacity for treated wastewaters, and water supply for municipalities and industries. Development and...

Regional Rivers Resource Assessment as a Tool for Hydropower Planning and Policy: The Pacific Northwest Rivers Study
In August, 1984, the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and the Northwest Power Planning Council (Council) initiated a study to provide information about important river characteristics...

Using IFIM at the Upper Greenwich Project and Other Hydropower Developments
The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) is widely used at numerous hydroelectric projects today for determining flow releases. IFIM is capable of quantifying changes in aquatic...

The Groundwater Studies for the Harrisburg Hydroelectric Project
The proposed Harrisburg Hydroelectric Project is a conventional 34.4-MW power facility located on the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The project will raise the river water...

An Evaluation of the Applicability and Cost of Polyester Resin and Cementitious Grouts for the Installation of Rock Anchors at Hydro Projects
The success of two proposed hydropower projects in the States of Virginia, and West Virginia depended on the ability of a rock anchor system to support the penstocks at the crown of the...

Geology and Hydrofacture, Moose River Power Tunnel, New York
The Moose River Hydroelectric Project, Lyonsdale, New York, is constructed in Precambrian gneiss of the western Adirondack Mountains. A key element of the project was construction and...

Design and Installation of Prestressed Rock Anchors for Penstocks at the Sheldon Springs Project
A mini-hydroelectric project producing 25MW of power was recently completed near St. Albans, Vermont. The power conduit conveys water from the intake on the river to a bifurcation and...

Instream Flow and Energy Production Studies for Hydro Relicensing
A methodology for assessing the effects of alternative flow release scenarios on both aquatic habitat and on energy production was utilized during instream flow studies at a 72-MW hydroelectric...





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