Hydraulics in the Coastal Zone
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, held in Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, August 10-12, 1977. Sponsored by Hydraulics Division...

Advances in Civil Engineering Through Engineering Mechanics
Proceedings of the Second Annual Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, held in North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, May 23-25, 1977. Sponsored by the...

Practical Highway Esthetics
This guide helps engineers, highway designers, university students, and others design practical, yet tasteful highways by combining a broad range of information in one publication. Topics...

The birth and growth of history's most exciting building material
Not until the early decades of this century did this most revolutionary of all structural materials arrive-prestressed concrete. Developed in Europe, prestressed concrete began its rapid...

Interstate Highway System
Eventually to cost nearly $90 billion, the Interstate Highway System will connect all U.S. cities of 50,000 and larger, eventually carry 25% of all highway traffic. The article traces...

Sewering the City of New York
The establishment of a centralized sewerage agency in 1963 has enabled the development of a program to upgrade and augment New York City's sewer system to meet the vital life...

Kansas City Bank Tower Features Water-Filled Columns, Exposed Spandrels
In this first article in a series on recent innovations in structural steel design, the spotlight is on the 20-story Mercantile Bank Tower in Kansas City. This structure features several...

The CRT Computer-Graphics Terminal: Indispensible Design-Aid for Some Structural Engineers
Putting the benefits of computer graphics within the cost reach of many consulting firms are: the development of low-cost ($3,000 to $10,000) storage-tube CRT graphics terminals; and the...

Proven Organic Coatings for Long Term Protection�� Part II
Recent advances in coatings materials and their application make possible improved protection of structures in normal or aggressive environments. Shopcoating and field application are...

La Guardia Airport Parking and Terminal Frontage Structure
One of the world's largest parking structures, at New York City's La Guardia Airport, is of special interest because the structural steel has no fireproofing....

Paul Bunyan Among Offshore Steel Structures
The world's two largest drydocks, the larger 1,150 x 800 ft in plan were used to assemble on land the four steel jackets. They now stand in the North Sea in about 400-ft of...

Condeep�In 400 Ft of Water, Concrete Caisson Requires No Piles
The Condeep structure consists of (1) 19 cylindrical tanks each 66-ft diam and 164-ft high that together will store up to 900,000 bbl of oil; (2) the extension upward 300-ft more of three...

Preview�1976 Offshore Technology Conference
In this Eighth Offshore Technology, the 300 papers and 1,300 exhibitors will be related to such topics as semi-submersible drill rigs, pollution avoidance devices, equipment protection,...

Pioneer Offshore LNG Terminal
Among the new offshore structures along the east coast of the United States is a terminal facility about one mile off Cove Point, Md., in Chesapeake Bay. This terminal will take deliver...

Hydraulic Fill Dams/Earthquake Stability
The 1971 San Fernando earthquake near Los Angeles, Calif., generated concern for the stability of hydraulic fill dams. Two dams located near the fault were damaged severely. The shaking...

Stress Ribbon Bridge in Freiburg, Germany
A three span continuous stress ribbon bridge of 75, 130, and 138 ft, was built in downtown Freiburg, W. Germany, for pedestrian traffic. Structural analysis is similar to that of suspension...

Innovative Design at Florida Bulkhead Reduces Material and Construction Costs
Remedial work to an existing bulkhead at a deep-water berth for Port Everglades, Florida, has been done with substantial savings through the application of innovative design concepts....

Today's Northwest Passage
The Lower Snake River Project received the outstanding water resources engineering project award for 1976 from ASCE. The lower 140-mile (225-km) reach of the Snake River from its mouth...

University of Idaho Barrel-Arch Roof Wins Outstanding Structural Engineering Award
The world's longest span wood structure now covers the football stadium at the Univ. of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho. The trussed arch consists of an upper and lower wood deck connected...

ASCE Tackles Standards
ASCE is sharply expanding its standards activity. Standards committees are at work in the fields of building loads, fire safety of structures, steel box-girder bridges, nuclear power plants...





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