Environmental Restoration and Management of the Tres Rios Demonstration Constructed Wetland Project: Mosquito Monitoring, Control and Management Efforts
(No paper) The Tres Rios Demonstration Constructed Wetland Project in Phoenix, Arizona, is providing valuable information on the role of constructed wetlands in ecosystem restoration,...

Impacts of Global Climate Change upon a Regional Aquifer System in the Northeastern United States
(No paper) The Charles River Basin is a major water resource in eastern Massachusetts. It used for a variety of purposes including water supply, industrial cooling, waste disposal, flood...

Estimate of Economic Impacts of Climate Change upon US Water Resources Using Partial Equilibrium Modeling
(No paper) The use of the model is to determine the allocation of water between suppliers and consumers under present and future climates such that net economic benefits subject to regulatory...

Sheetflow Water Quality Monitoring Device: Results of Nine Month Field Testing
(No paper) The objective of this 30 month research project was to develop a sheetflow sampler for sampling highway runoff. The specific goals of this Small Business Innovation Research...

Adjustments to Short-Term Hydrologic Forecasts for Conceptual Models of Hydrologic Processes
(No paper) Real-time forecasting of streamflows is amorphous and multi-dimensional. Weather forecasts, which are synonymous in popular culture with uncertainty, are just one component...

Interactive Flood Response Plans: Internet/Intranet Formats with National Implications
(No paper) An effective flood response plan takes into account the needs of and utility to the end user of that plan?namely the local emergency response community. A flood response plan...

Arizona Stream Navigability
(No paper) The State of Arizona is currently in the process of determining the ownership of the streambeds of watercourses within the state boundaries. Claims of ownership turn on whether...

Chaotic Slackwater: A Journey Into the Science of Chaos as a Means to Understanding the Parallels between How We Manage Our Organizations and Natural Ecosystems
(No paper) From the ice age to slackwater, the Columbia River continues to ebb and flow through our lives. This paper will explore the ebb and flow between natural and human ecosystems....

Title Transfer of U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Projects: Fact or Fiction
(No paper) The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has constructed hundreds of water storage and delivery projects throughout the 17 western United States. These projects vary in...

The City of Tempe, Arizona, Rio Salado Town Lake Groundwater Management Plan
(No paper) The City of Tempe's Rio Salado Project is a mixed-use economic development project located in the Salt River channel between McClintock Drive and Priest Drive in the City of...

Rising Water and Nitrate Levels within an Alluvial Aquifer near Phoenix, Arizona
(No paper) An analysis of water level data from more than a hundred water supply wells show that water levels have been rising at a considerable rate since 1980 in some portions of the...

Progress and Future Direction to Improve Arizona's Reclaimed Wastewater Reuse Program
(No paper) The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) is undertaking a major revision of its reclaimed wastewater reuse program in response to recommendations made by a citizens...

Reclaimed Wastewater Reuse in Arizona: Status and Vision for the 21st Century
(No paper) The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) regulates the reuse of reclaimed wastewater through the issuance of individual reuse permits to treatment plants and/or...

Why the Latrines in Benin are so Few and Far Between: Implications for Improving Sanitation in Developing Countries
(No paper) This paper contributes to such an understanding with research about how consumers make their sanitation choices in developing countries from a case study of latrine adoption...

Water Resource Systems and Modeling of the Lower Virgin River Using EXCEL
(No paper) The first objective of this study was to determine the availability of water at the confluence of the Halfway Wash and the Virgin River and to simulate the diversion of river...

Evaluating Alternatives for Capacity Expansion: Ensuring Reliable Water for the Portland, Oregon, Area
(No paper) The Portland Water Bureau is currently evaluating its water supply expansion alternatives. Like many water bureaus responsible for supplying water to both in-city customers...

Water Quality in the Sierra Vista Subbasin, Southeastern Arizona: A Baseline for the Future
As part of the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Water-Quality Assessment program, water-quality studies were completed in the Sierra Vista subbasin in southeastern Arizona during...

Reversal of Historic Water Level Decline Has Surprising Consequences
(No paper) This paper discusses the causes of the water level rise and options available to the building owner to deal with both the rising water table and VOC contamination....

Ground-Water Quality in Basins with Minimal Urban Development, Arizona
Ground-water quality data (191796) from 2,013 wells in 16 alluvial basins that have minimal urban development, were used to determine the effect of nonurban factors on ground-water quality...

Underground Storage and Recovery: A Powerful Tool for the Management of the Limited Water Resources of the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
(No paper) The availability of imported Colorado River water to the Phoenix area in 1986 prompted the need for storage of the unused portion of each municipality's contracted allocation....





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