Offshore Challenge
Standard design techniques weren't enough to create rigs for the Main Pass Mine, which, at 67 million long tons, is the largest offshore sulfur mine in U.S. history. The 18...

Predicting Sediment Loads
Many reservoirs in the U.S. and internationally have experienced unforeseen storage loss when sediment loads exceed those originally predicted during the design stage. This often results...

Seismic Assessment of Tailings Dams
A significant portion of the operating and closed large dams in North America are tailings dams used to impound wastes from mining operations. Often these dams were built by mine personnel...

Put to the Test
In the construction industry, the concept of life-cycle cost applies not only to the infrastructure itself, but to the materials that go in to building that infrastructure. To improve...

Use of Rigid Insulation Below Grade for Roadways and Parking Areas
Minnesota Power's Herbert Service Center is located 3 miles north of downtown Duluth, Minnesota. The facility, constructed in 1967, consists of primary buildings, cold storage...

Privatization Takes Flight
The number of air travelers in the U.S. is projected to double by early in the next century. Delays have also been mounting rapidly. Major airports around the world are facing the same...

Effects of Natural Gas Storage on Gas Price Forecasts
This paper explores the effects of natural gas storage on short-term gas price forecasts. At the Southern California Edison Company (Edison), the gas price forecast incorporates a multitude...

Interim Spent-Fuel Storage Options at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants
Although spent fuel can be stored safely in waterfilled pools at reactor sites, some utilities may not possess sufficient space for life-of-plant storage capability. In-pool storage capability...

Design, Permitting and Initial Operation of a 32 Mw Agricultural Waste Fired Power Plant
Independent power producers are playing an increasingly important role in satisfying the electric power requirements of public utilities. Many of the independent power producers rely heavily...

Raising of an Ash Disposal Pond by Hydraulic Filling
Commercial and industrial development around existing power plant waste disposal sites often precludes the ability to expand these sites laterally. Limitations on land availability have...

The Changing Legal Structure of Non-Utility Generation in the 1990's
Before actual construction of a small power production or cogeneration facility commences, numerous economic, technical and legal factors have been considered during the planning process....

Ash Disposal at Coal Creek Station
This paper outlines the effort of two utilities to minimize the impact of an 1100 megawatt lignite fired plant's waste stream on the environment. Current regulations, poor...

Failure Modes of Flat Bottom Vertical Storage Tanks
Flat bottom vertical storage tanks are important components in essential nuclear power plant safety systems. Data on the seismic capacity and failure modes of such tanks have been identified,...

Building Beneath Boston
Up/down construction is a method in which a project's substructure and superstructure are simultaneously built. The substructure's wall, column and foundation...

Regulatory Issues Impacting the U.S. High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Program
This paper addresses current key regulatory issues impacting the U.S. high-level radioactive waste management program. The following issues pertain to the licensing of a geologic repository:...

OCRWM Transportation Technical Activities for 1998
The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management is preparing for the transport of spend fuel by 1998 from commercial reactors to a monitored retrievable storage facility. The preparations...

Certifying the TN-BRP and TN-REG Transportable Storage Demonstration Casks
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has obtained U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) certification to transport two transportable storage casks for a demonstration project. Because...

Volcanic Episodes Near Yucca Mountain As Determined by Paleomagnetic Studies at Lathrop Wells, Crater Flat, and Sleeping Butte, Nevada
It has been suggested that mafic volcanism in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Nev., is both recent (20 ka) and a product of complex 'polycyclic' eruptions. This...

40Ar/?9Ar Laser Fusion and K-Ar Ages From Lathrop Wells, Nevada, and Cima, California: The Age of the Latest Volcanic Activity in the Yucca Mountain Area
K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages from the Lathrop Wells volcanic center, Nevada, and from the Cima volcanic field,...

Dissolution of Spent Fuel Under the Conditions of Wet Storage and Disposal
The release of cobalt and cesium from PWR spent fuel rods with three types of artificial defects made on their clads in demineralized water and also the dissolution of uranium from unirradiated...





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